July 15, 2009

Day 4 in DC

While I was at the conference, Chris took the girls to Aquarium, The Holocaust Museum and the front of the White House. As soon as I was done at 5pm, we headed right back downtown so that I could enjoy the sights. I've been so envious of their daytime adventures and I'm glad the girls were willing to take another taxi back to the same places they had been earlier in the week. Enjoy today's pictures.

PS. Josie's potty training is still going very well despite being in all kinds of new settings and using all kinds of strange restrooms. For everyone that knows my husband's love for Harry Potter, it's killing him to have missed opening night of the latest movie. I've promised him that as soon as we're back to MI, he can escape to the movies. He's been awesome Mr. Mom while I've been working this week. Also, the band-aids on Josie's knees are real. She's managed to skin her knees everyday on some form of cement during their outings. I'm glad I stocked up on Hello Kitty band-aids before the trip.


  1. Looks like another great day of fun. It is great that the girls are willing to go back with you in the evenings. Glad they're not leaving mom out of the fun!

  2. great pics kim! especiallly the ones at dusk!! hope you all are enjoying your time together , despite the work!
    hugs, jill

  3. Kim, you are so sweet and kind to me. Thank you. ; ) I wish I knew you in person. You are very much an encouragement to me.

  4. beautiful picutres. What a great conference you get to attend.


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