July 21, 2009

Retracting my weather comment...

You know what? I'm retracting my earlier blog post on the weather. I love this kind of summer weather...warm, not hot, not yet yucky humid either. The weather this week has been perfect for enjoying our candle filled deck in the evening.

Speaking of summer, I've redone my little corner of happiness in our bedroom. It brings me right back to Lake Michigan and our wonderful week at the cottage.

The shell wreath was one of my latest craft projects. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Actually anything that requires a glue gun makes me happy.

As I was finishing up this post (in between putting Josie to bed) the rain has started. I'm hopeful it doesn't continue into the weekend. We have plans for a Tiger's baseball game on Saturday and I'm hoping to sneak away to the Allegan Antique Fair on Sunday.

What's the saying..."If you don't like the weather in Michigan now, just wait a few minutes."


  1. Isn't your final quote the truest thing ever written -- today was gorgeous, just wonderful.

    Glad you had a good time in DC, welcome back.

    Can we plan a get-together?

  2. It has been beautiful here, and I would rather have the cool weather than the humid 90 degrees.

  3. I have been just loving this weather!
    Your deck looks like such a relaxing place to enjoy a nice drink!!
    Hugs, Jill

  4. I had no idea that the Michigan weather was so unpredictable.
    Your back porch looks so nice....like a wonderful place to relax on a nice summer evening. The humidity and heat is keeping us indoors here in the south.

  5. Well....I need it to be a tad warmer.....or maybe just more consistent weather would be nice.....love Josie's lunch box....I have to take Sophia and Andrew out to do that as well. ;)

  6. What a cozy deck!! I can make some cookies and bring them over....

  7. Hey, that's the same quote we use in Indiana!!
    Love the deck---it has been beautiful weather to be outside, just not a lot of swimming going on.
    Have a wonderful weekend, sounds like fun!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.