July 20, 2009

What happened to our summer weather?

I had been warned that the temperatures in Michigan were cold while we were in DC and they were right. Dang. Where did our summer weather go? It feels more like fall!! Speaking of fall, check out Josie's new lunch box. Thanks for the lunchbox tip, Katie.

We picked up this panda bear lunchbox while visiting the National Zoo in DC. As much as I loath packing lunches, seeing Josie's excitement over a new lunchbox is pretty cute. Here's to enjoying the rest of our summer!!


  1. Cold weather??? Yuck! Come on down here... it's plenty warm enough. As a matter of fact, you're welcome to take some of the warmth back up to Michigan with you!! :)

  2. We have been having cold weather(for July) in Ohio. I have had to dig out long sleeve shirts and jackets. She is too cute with that lunch box, great purchase!

  3. The cooler weather has made it south too! No jackets needed, but we have enjoyed the lower humidity and cooler mornings and evenings!
    I love Josie's lunch box!

  4. It's cold here, too. That is one cute lunch pack! I loathe making lunches, too. ugh.

  5. Hey, don't knock the weather! This is the first summer down here--ever that hasn't been painfully humid in July. I'm lovin' it!

    Welcome home, btw!

  6. ooo.. the panda lunch box is so CUTE!!! I am a panda fanatic and here I bought a cuddly panda bag (L) that I can hardly put it down!


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