August 2, 2009

He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not...

As much as I made fun of Chris’s gardening obsession in an earlier post (that really wasn’t very nice of me), I sure do enjoy and benefit from his passion for horticulture. Be sure to click on the pictures to enlarge.

This is the current view of our front beds. I was standing in my neighbor's driveway taking the picture from across the street.

Thank you for my new owl, Chris. He's quite handsome. Gotta love Target clearance items!! Have a great week, everyone.


  1. hey Chris -- we'll pay you to do some landscaping in our front yard! :-) The business down the street wanted $5000 to do it -- surely you'll accept less, right?

  2. What I wouldn't give to have a green thumb like that! I kill most everything I touch. It's so bad, I've been tempted to post photos of my best friend's garden and pretend it was mine. (Heh. Not that I would actually do that. But only cuz she'd KILL me.)

  3. Oh, my, gosh, Kim, this is so, so, so incredibly beautiful!!!
    I want your front yard!!

  4. Wow, Kim! Chris did a fabulous job! Just stopping by to say hello! Feel free to come visit me as well!

  5. What a beautiful yard.... very English? Love it! We need major yard help in NE Florida - any takers!!

    Alyzabeth's Mommy for Ten Months

  6. These are gorgeous!! I have a VERY brown thumb so if not for PandaPop, we'd have NO plants! LOL! ; )


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.