August 15, 2009

We love the Museum of Science & Industry!

Aside from the flying car, we really couldn't take pictures inside the Harry Potter exhibition, but let me tell you, it was amazing. I've got all kinds of ideas floating around in my head for new Halloween decorations...hee hee.

Here's a video clip taken from the official website:

The exhibition consists of more than 200 artifacts from the various movies including costumes, props and special effect videos.

Chris and Emma's favorite set was taken from Hagrid's Hut. Overall, it was out of this WORLD. Chris is already plotting what we might be able to incorporate in our back woods for this year's Halloween festivities.

The rest of the Museum of Science & Industry didn't disappoint either.

Thankfully, there were lots of opportunities for hands-on experiences which is always key to keeping Josie happy and entertained.

We ended our evening at the Rain Forest cafe meeting up with our best friends from graduate school. Thanks for a great evening Carolus family!!

I'd like to say that Josie loved every part of the Rain Forest cafe, but she spent the first part of the evening on my lap wanting to leave because she was scared of the thunderstorms and mechanical animals. As many times as we told her that everything was pretend, she wasn't convinced. Oh well. We enjoyed catching up with friends over good food and drinks.

Before we take the train back tomorrow, we're going to explore the Shedd Aquarium. I can't wait!! This weekend has gone by much too fast. When I get back to work on Monday, orientations for new adjunct faculty start up. My summer work schedule is officially over...sigh.


  1. Looks like SOOOO MUCH FUN...
    Love the photos..
    Have a safe trip back..

  2. Now that looks like FUN!!!! Great pictures! I can't wait to hear about you plan to use some of the ideas for your Halloween party. So smart! Have a safe and relaxing train ride home.

  3. Kim,that is my kind of museum!! I would love to see the Harry Potter items. I am such a nut for the movies!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.