August 14, 2009

We LOVE trains!

Despite the 6am departure, Josie did so much better on that four hour train ride to Chicago than she did on our 2 hour plane ride to DC. The leg room, lots of snacks, the ability to move around with fun friends who shared their portable DVD player (thanks Mitton family), made this mode of transportation a big fat WINNER.

Our main outing today (according to Emma) was a trip to the American Girl Doll Store.

Emma was in heaven.

She had saved her allowance and got her doll's ears pierced and her hair styled. Chris and I agreed to purchase a new outfit for her doll. A parent could easily spend LOADS of money in this place very quickly.

We ended our day at the Navy Pier and Josie even snuck in one more mini train ride.

Tomorrow is the Harry Potter Exhibit at the Museum of Science & Industry and meeting up with friends at the Rain Forest Cafe. We've been told we can't take pictures inside the Harry Potter Exhibit (darn). I wonder how sneaky we can be with the camera?


  1. Oh, how much fun is that???
    What a way to travel! Hopefully we will be able to meet up via train from Chicago in the Fall.
    Have a wonderful trip Kenwards!!!
    BTW... the hair do and earrings are beautiful on the American Girl doll.

  2. Aren't trains the BEST?
    We want to go on another trip so badly!!
    I've been avoiding the American Girl Store trip, but I think we'll have to go there soon.
    Looks like you're having a great time :)

  3. Glad the train ride went much better than the plane. Emma looks like she is loving every minute of American Girl. Enjoy the rest of your trip!

  4. Emma,
    I am sooo jealous! I have been to the Amercian Girl's Store there, too. It is such a paradise! But that was way before Tori, and so I bought some things for my friends' daughters.

    J.J., Tori and I went by McDonald's today to get a quick snack--And guess what? They have American Girl's books in the Happy Meals now. Make sure you tell Mom and Dad to at least go by and get you some, even if you don't like to eat there.

    Your doll is beautiful in her new do and earrings. . .

    Much American doll love from a fellow fan,

  5. I sooo want to get Isabella one of the bitty babies.. I got some clothes for the baby from another blogging friend.. and she says the girls love those dolls..
    Looks like sooo much fun..
    love the photos..
    can't wait to see what photos you get from Harry Potter...

  6. Sounds like fun!!!!!! Hope the rest of your trip is a blast! I just sent off the first of our documents to be certified... yikes!!


  7. Ohhh...that looks FUN! :) I noticed that we have a commuter train near our house that would take us to Boston. Maybe we should try it. :)

    Drooling over the American Girl store. We've never been to one but we sure love the AG stories.


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