September 8, 2009

1 down...179 more to go!!

I'm happy to report that the girls first day of school went very well. Emma is such a pro at this now. How can she be a 6th grader all ready?

Now, if I could only get Josie to go to bed at night without tears and fussing. We're seeing a regression in behavior and some of her old tricks and bedtime difficulties are resurfacing again. We need a little bedtime magic with our littlest one. I can't wait until it's October and we're ALL into a familiar routine. Have I said how much I miss my Mr. Mom?


  1. Great pics, Kim!
    For your sake and Josie's, I hope that she will be in a groove soon!
    Love, Barb

  2. Both girls look just adorable, but WOW Emma looks like such a mature girl! Sixth grade...SIGH.....

    Hope you all get some sleep soon!
    Hugs Kim!

  3. They are so cute! It's hard to get back into the school routine. I'm struggling with it, too.

  4. It IS hard to get back into the routine....even for the parents!

    Yeah, time flies, doesn't it? I remember when I was in 6th grade like it was yesterday.
    It's now to the point where their graduation year really doesn't seem as ridiculously far away as it used to. eek!
    "Class of 2016!" holy cow :)

    Hope your week goes well, and quick!


  5. LOVE the school pics!!! I wish our kids didn't go back to school until Sept. We've been in the swing of things for over a month now!!! Looks like the girls did great!!!! My two little ones are enjoying their first year!!! It's amazing how much busier things are right's crazy!!! I miss all of you so much!! I just don't like that I don't have the time like I have in the past to blog and catch up on all my blogs!!!

    Anyway...I KNOW Josie will get into a good groove!!! I pray everything starts to gel really quickly!!! Have a great week!!


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