September 10, 2009

Getting some beauty sleep...

This is what NO nap at daycare looks like at 5pm.

You can imagine how much fun this makes dinner and bedtime...ugh!


  1. Wow! Emma a sixth grader! I remember that "little cutie" in the picture of you and her sitting on the driftwood on your youbelong site many moons ago.

    Happy back to school to both Emma and Josie!

    Yep, I know that kind of "beauty sleep" after no nap. Tori is the ultimate grouchy ladybug when we wake her for fear of being up all night. I hope that things were better at your house!

  2. That's just the opposite of what Maiya was like without her nap yesteday! She was totally wound up and jabbering on and on about nothing we understood. She was also Little Miss Independent and wouldn't let us do much of anything for her last night. Thank goodness she went down fairly easily a little after 8:00, and we only heard a little peep out of her around 4:30 in the morning, but she was soon sleeping before we got out of bed to check on her. Good luck tonight!

  3. I feel your pain... Jacob and Katelyn crash like that at times, and they are not happy campers when they have to wake up for dinner.

  4. Waking them up to go to bed is NO fun!
    Hopefully, she'll learn to take a nap when it's nap time :)

  5. I hear ya! S is all but giving up her naps, and she NEEDS them for sure. Hey, we all need for her to take a nap! :)

  6. Oh yeah, bedtime, that should be fun.
    Thanks for your prayers, my dear friend.

  7. just had to stop by and say i miss ya ... and Maggie is sleeping right now 5pm, so my night will be fun as usual ...

    love ya

  8. Sorry... hopefully she will sleep tonight..

  9. Ugh, I've had some TIRED kiddos at home too. To my surprise, Nina is holding up quite well without her naps!
    Love, Barb

  10. Groan.... (but she looks SO sweet sleeping on the couch). :) Hopefully she will get a nap most of the time.


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