September 24, 2009

Getting ready for Mid-Autumn Festival (Moon Festival)

I wanted to extend a great big THANK YOU to everyone who subscribes to this site, left a comment, or sent me a personal email. Feel free to keep lurking. Don't get me wrong, I'd love some affirmation every now and then, it makes my blogging ventures worthwhile. I'm thinking a Halloween give-away definitely will be happening in the near future. I have all kinds of Halloween crafts that need good homes.

Now, back to my regularly scheduled Halloween, adoption, crafting and Kenward family blogging adventures...

Next Saturday, we're having five other Chinese adoptive families over to our house to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival, also know as the Moon Festival For any adoptive family who is searching for the one book that explains the culture and history behind Chinese celebrations and traditions, I highly recommend Good Luck Life by Rosemary Gong. I've mentioned this book before and I'm still really enjoying it.

Because I'm not found of the taste of Moon cakes (a traditional food eaten during the festival), I've decided to make sugar cookies in the shapes of moons and let the kids decorate them with icing and sprinkles. I'm also planning on creating a bunch of paper lanterns for the kids to adorn with star stickers. Later, we'll all go to a local Chinese restaurant to continue our celebration over good food. I'm so looking forward to getting together with our new special friends and their amazing children. Be prepared for lots of pictures!!

Speaking of pictures, check out Josie modeling one of her Chinese outfits.

I can't believe how much different she looks from last year at this time.

Wishing you a happy "soon-to-be" Friday! I'm so ready for the weekend!!


  1. Soooo cool! can't wait to steal some of your ideas for Mid Autumn Moon Festival. Hee, hee.
    Love the girls pictures in their silks!

  2. She is so beautiful! Great idea to make moon shaped sugar cookies. I was all excited to try mooncakes one time and bought some in Chinatown. Blech! I brought them home to give to our Chinese friends and they didn't like them either! :) Maybe it's like a Christmas fruitcake--traditional, but no one likes it!

  3. I am so happy tomorrow is Friday! This sounds like a great celebration. The moon shaped cookies are sure to be a hit!

  4. Can't wait to see the photos..
    you are going to have soo much fun..
    I will have to check out that book.

  5. that reminds me to dig out the girls chinese outfits....I am a bad mom with no knowledge of chinese culture:(
    We are excited to be able to celebrate the moon festival with great friends, Can't wait for next weekend.

  6. I'm a total addict to your blog and all your great ideas. I don't often comment cause I feel shameful for all the great things you do (i.e. moon festival) that I do not : ) Love the moon festival idea and hope to make it happen at my house! I'll be out of town for the actual day so I'll have to improvise a little, but I think everyone will be happy.

  7. I'm a total addict to your blog and all your great ideas. I don't often comment cause I feel shameful for all the great things you do (i.e. moon festival) that I do not : ) Love the moon festival idea and hope to make it happen at my house! I'll be out of town for the actual day so I'll have to improvise a little, but I think everyone will be happy.

  8. I don't post a comment often though I love your blog! I love all the crafts and your girls are beautiful..

  9. Can't wait!!!

    Oh, mooncakes aren't big in my house either. Moon shaped sugar cookies are a wonderful substitute!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.