September 23, 2009

Hello...anybody out there?

I miss you. I can see by my statistics that people are lurking looking at my blog, but I sure don’t hear from you very often anymore. I just can’t cave into the world of facebook. I’m already accused by my family that I’m on my computer too much (it doesn’t help that my career is Educational Technology and that my work tends to invade my home life), so adding one more social media tool, just isn’t fair. Call me old fashioned, I’d even take an email every now and then too. Can you tell, I’m missing my blogging friends…


  1. Ok I admit I'm one of the "lurkers"....sure hope to see your family one of these days and meet Miss Josie :o) I'm enjoying getting pics of your folks' new house...can't wait to see it finished! Hugs...Vicki

  2. Hi Kim,
    I had tried to post earlier, and my computer at school was not being cooperative!

    Anyway, I just love the pictures of Josie and Emma. Jonathan and Tori are the same way after being apart all day. It warms my heart when Tori tells him, "I miss you J.J.!" and gives him a big hug.

    By the way I received my October issue of "Family Fun", and it has some great decorations and party ideas for Halloween.

    Tori and I are planning to go to our East Tennessee Families with Children from China Moon Festival on Oct. 1. Do you have a good (and simple) recipe to take to share? They told us to think "round."


  3. We are still here! Sorry I have not posted a lot....things are CRAZY busy here!!

    I have been checking in from time to time and thinking of you all!

    I am still going to try to get you on Facebook! Jeanne Debono is even on now! LOL!!!

    Great pic of Miss Josie BTW!!!

    Hugs girl!

  4. I read every post through Google Reader... so you're getting readers that don't even count on your stats at all! -Mark (Chris' colleague)

  5. OK, now I feel bad.
    You're always saying something sweet on my blog and I've been very lazy lately.
    I love the cute picture of Josie...and the pic of Emma and her skipping out of daycare was adorable!
    You've even inspired me to start decorating for Halloween already :)been loving the Halloween/craft posts.
    OK, now I'm exhausted from all that commenting!
    Have a great evening!

  6. What an adorable picture of Josie! :) I'm here, girlfriend! :)

  7. I love the picture of Josie! I always try to comment!

  8. Oh you are too funny. Still here and still following along. I don't do facebook either--I would spend my entire life on the computer :)

  9. so know that i'm lurking. sorry I haven't been commenting. I really miss "the old days" when we were living for our blogs and blogging buddies. I MISS everyone so much. I've only had time to be online this week because Silas has had the flu. it's CRAZY. Anyway...miss you guys!!! Josie is SO ADORABLE!!

    Yes...I've gotten into Facebook's quick but I still connect with everyone. But it's hard to keep both of them up for sure.

    Gotta go. Hope you have a great day!
    Miss you,

  10. Hi Kim,
    I keep an eye on you through bloglines. You are one of the most consistant bloggers I know. Love reading. Just not good about commenting!

  11. Girl, you know I'm still here!!
    I too wonder where my bloggy friends have gone. I've noticed that a blog "give away" is a sure fire way to get your blog active again. I think you should give away something Halloween.... AND I should be the lucky recipient.. hahaha!
    love ya~

  12. I do like the idea of some Halloween give-aways! I've got all kinds of Halloween crafts just waiting for good homes. Consider it done! I'll be blogging about this soon.

  13. I too am guilty of lurking and leaving no comments. Love to what crafts you are upto and follow your doings. Will try harder to leave comments. Love your blog.
    Need to get my own set up and drop babyjellybeans.

  14. You know I'm here :-)) Just running and gone the last couple of days


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.