October 31, 2009

All good things must come to an end...

It's officially over (see this post for picture and Halloween party highlights) and it's always bittersweet when Halloween comes to an end at our house. Because the weather was downright nasty on Friday night, I didn’t take any outdoor pictures. Here are a few shots of my husband’s amazing pumpkin carvings.

See...I’m not the only one with crafty talent in our house. Chris is the master at pumpkin carving.

It was so cold Halloween night (and the girls were honestly tired of wearing their costumes after wearing them in Disney World, their Friday school parties and then at our own party), that they didn’t even dress up for trick or treating.

Josie's favorite part was passing out candy.

It's Daddy's too.

I'm dreading putting everything away. Anyone want to join me in packing up a few Halloween decorations? Pretty please?


  1. Holy cow, I wouldn't want to take down and put away all of the decorations you have either! I've never seen so much black and orange stuff!

    Still, your house looked amazing - inside and out.

    We had a great time on Friday night, thanks for inviting us!

  2. Your hubby's carving skills are the best!
    You KNOW I would be there to help you take all that great decor down...but, I am just so darn busy putting up my own :oD sorry, Kim!! hee, hee.
    Love ya~

  3. Hey Kim,
    You know that once the Halloween is put away Christmas is not that far behind! Ha! Ha! I really do wish that I could come and help with all the packing.

    It looks like that it was a great party! Who wouldn't have a great time at the Kenwards with all the great decor and treats?

    I hope that you and your family can rest up this week and recoup from not only the party but your Disney trip, too!

    Have a restful first week of November. . .
    Cindy W.

    I finally got the pic up of my mantle with the wreath you made, so be sure to check it out.

  4. The pumpkins look AWESOME! Your dh did a great job!

    Time to put away the Halloween decorations and pull out the Christmas decorations!

  5. Actually this has nothing to do with your post. But I saw your comment on Sarah's post and saw "international adoption" and had to visit your blog. Our youngest daughter is also from Jiangxi Province. Just a "hi" from a fellow adoptive mom.
    Blessings, Kim

  6. You have the most fabulous Halloween House I have ever seen. How long does it take to put it all away?

  7. I was putting our stuff away tonight and thought of you. Yeah we have a box, ONE box! Happy packing lady!

    Halloween was magical in NY this year. The boys didn't want to dress up by the end of the night, but in NY even a hat counts.

  8. Hey, Daddy-O took some great shots of your outdoor decorations. If I don't remember to send them, please remind me.

  9. Your pumpkin carvings? Are amazing. My husband even came to look at the photos.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.