November 2, 2009

November is National Adoption Awareness Month

November is National Adoption Awareness Month. When I think back to where we were last year at this time, Josie had successfully recovered from her open heart surgery, had finally adjusted to attending daycare full-time, but was still struggling with chronic night terrors and ongoing food issues.

We were also preparing for her upcoming hand surgery to remove her extra thumb and were trying to adjust to the delicate balancing act of now having two daughters who needed equal attention.

I’m in awe of the progress that we've made since last year. Josie made it through an annoying hand surgery that required a shoulder-to-fingertip cast for five weeks.

She's finally adjusted to sleeping in her own bed (as long as her big sister is on the top bunk).

She's also stopped pouching her cheeks full of food at each meal (although if she can't finish it all, she'll beg me to "save it" for later). Definite progress.

Emma has continued to be an amazing role model, teacher and loving big sister.

She's comes to terms with sharing Mom and Dad and continues to be excited to ride to daycare to retrieve her little sister so that she can smoother her with kisses and hugs.

Our daughters are both strong-willed, smart, and loving little girls. I am blessed to be their mother.

One of my favorite publications (Adoptive Families Magazine) has a calendar for the month of November that suggests 30 Ways to celebrate National Adoption Awareness Month. I'm hoping to make time this month to complete a few of their wonderful suggestions.

Cheers to all those families who have opened up their hearts to adoption. It's an amazing gift. A special thanks to all my adoptive blogging friends. You've been a wonderful support to me over the last few years. I've enjoyed our online friendship in more ways than I can express. I feel especially blessed to have met many of my blogging friends in person or talked to them on the phone.

I also live in a community in which I can get together with other adoptive families on a regular basis...How cool is that?? As you can see from all my recent blog posts during the month of October (Moon Festival, Disney World Reunion, and our recent Halloween gathering) that I always enjoy a good excuse to get together with other adoptive families. I can't wait to find even more opportunities in 2010.

Happy National Adoption Awareness Month!


  1. Hi Kim,
    Great write up. Josie and you all have come a long way, congrats to all.
    On another subject, where did you get the girls bunkbeds? We are looking for Rieley a big girl bed and really like theirs.

  2. You are blessed to have such a wonderful family. Your girls are beautiful inside and out!

  3. Way to go Josie! You have come a long way in a year~yahoo! I can't wait to do a similar post in a year for Mia! What an amazing blessing these kids are to our families! Happy Adoption Awareness month!

  4. Excellent post Kim.
    Chloe went to the computer, opened it and said, "I want to see Emma and Josie." Isn't that SO sweet?! Funny that she knows how to find your family day or night :)
    You are blessed indeed with such beautiful, precious daughters. Your family has a special place in our family's heart~

  5. What precious girls you have!!! I loved this post. :)

  6. You are a very blessed family-- I can just feel all the "happy" that is in your household, through the writings on your blog.

    Hugs to you and yours,

  7. Hi Kim--
    I love reading your blogs, and this one really hits the mark on adoption and how far Josie and your family has come. (I remember reading about your sleepless nights and all the surgery that Josie has endured, and saying prayers for all of you during those times.) Both of our families have much to be thankful for!

    By the way, I was wondering what we as a family needed to do since it was November and National Awareness Adoption Month. And low and behold, I read your post and went to your link. Now I have been inspired with some ideas--Thank you! Thank you!

    We are battling the flu in our household this week (Jonathan--and the rest of us are on Tamiflu!). Bless his heart, he is trying to be a trooper, but it's hard when you are nine and feel so horrible.

    Anyway, I hope that all of you are doing well, and all of you are getting some needed rest!

    Have a great weekend!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.