October 10, 2009

Everyone has a skeleton in their closet...

Or, in our case, we have probably 10 skeletons in our closets...hee hee.

Chris has been busy unpacking and tediously constructing the outdoor decorations.  I wasn't kidding on the number of storage crates filled with Halloween decorations.  Our garage has been completely taken over by Halloween.  We won't be parking our cars inside anytime soon.

For our guests attending with little ones, don't worry.  These creatures stay outdoors far away from the indoor carnival games and face painter.  

While Chris has been busy working outside, Josie has been under the weather with a bad cough and congestion. Poor little thing...

Even Penny has been wiped out with all this Halloween decorating.

Speaking of Halloween decorations, drum roll please...Cindy W. is the fabulous winner of my Halloween wreath, candy cups and customized candy!

Congratulations, Cindy! I'll be getting that package in the mail early this week.

I think I have time to do one more Halloween give-away. Check back in a few days for a chance to win another Kim K. Halloween creations.

Happy Halloween!


  1. You are AMAZING..
    I LOVE IT..
    I sooo wish I lived near you..
    FUN... FUN.....FUN..
    Have a great weekend..
    Can't wait to see the next give away..

  2. I love seeing all the tricks you have in the works for the upcoming holiday! I especially love seeing Chris helping stage the tricks. You guys are amazing and we so look forward to celebrating this Halloween with you all!

    Josie, I hope you're feeling well soon! And, I hope no one else catches the bugs! You guys have too much on your plates to be sick now.

    Take care and see you all soon!

  3. You crack me up! That garage was too much! Hee hee! Where do you store all that during the rest of the year?? The yard is looking awesome!
    Hope Josie starts feeling better soon!
    Hugs Kim!

  4. I bet the traffic becomes a problem with all of your cool stuff! SO FUN! I want my yard to look like yours!

    Poor Josie. I can tell how sick she is from her eyes. Tell that mean cold bug to go away!!

  5. Aaaarghhh, those outside creations look CREEEPY *shiver*!!!! I think my kids would be totally freaked out at your house :-))
    Gotta love the dedication, though ;-)
    Josie-girl, I hope you'll feel better soon!
    Love, Barb

  6. Josie--Get better soon, sweet girl!
    Emma--You are becoming such a beautiful young lady. I can't get over how grown up you look in that picture holding my name!
    Kim--Thanks again for sending me those beautiful creations of yours. And yes, I am adding your husband to the list of Halloween addicts. Wow! I wished we lived closer just so that I could come over and help! Looks like lots of fun. . .
    Keep up the good work!

  7. Poor Josie...I hope she is feeling better soon.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.