October 12, 2009

Pneumonia blues...

We're singing the blues in our house.  Josie was officially diagnosed with pneumonia.  Chris and I are too familiar with the signs because we've gone through this before with Miss Josie.  After getting the x-rays back, it was confirmed.  We're back to nebulizer treatments and antibotics.  I always get a little nervous about respiratory illness considering all the work she's had done on her heart. 

I knew my little spicy one was under the weather when she fell asleep in my arms while we were waiting for the doctor to read her x-rays. We need our little girl healthy for all our upcoming Halloween celebrations!!


  1. kismet
    Get well soon little Josie girl! Our thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery!

    Susan, Roger and Maiya

  2. Soooo SORRY..
    hope Josie is well soon..

  3. Prayers being said for little Josie and her family! I pray she has a quick recovery!

  4. Get well soon, Josie.
    Poor little thing.
    I remember when Brett had pneumonia, in October of his kindergarten year. Not a fun time for anyone.
    Hopefully she's back to her old self in no time!
    Hugs to all--

  5. Oh, poor little thing - she looks miserable!! Hopefully the meds will work quickly. I'm sure this always adds some anxiety - praying for peace and strength!
    We're homebound with the swine flu around here, but everyone is in fairly good spirits :-))
    Love, Barb

  6. Kim, I just stopped to take a breath from today … the party was great!

    I just saw your email and came up to check your blog. I am SO SORRY for Josie and your family. I will definitely pray for her.

    I know those worries and so I will pray for your Momma's heart too!

    Love and Hugs,

  7. PS. Wish I could just zip up the road to your party! I imagine it is the biggest thing in your state on that night! I'm SERIOUS!!!

  8. Oh man, that little face is just so sad...we'll be praying for your little sweetie to feel better soon.

    Kelly, Katie & Ella

  9. Dear Josie,
    I hope you get better soon! Even though you are sick, you are still a cutie-pie. Prayers are being lifted for you. . .
    Many get-well hugs,
    Cindy W.

  10. Oh my, poor baby. Hope she is feeling better soon!

  11. We've been praying for Miss Josie today. I am so sorry that she is feeling so badly. We need your spicy girl feeling great for Mickey and Minnie!!
    Warmest hugs to you and your sweet angel~

  12. Oh nooooo....poor baby. Praying right now that she is feeling better soon.

  13. Poor Little Thing!
    Maybe all those Halloween decorations will scare the germs right out of her.
    We'll hold her (and you) in our prayers.
    Hugs from Anna!

  14. Awww, I am SOOOOO sorry your baby-doll is so sick! I will definitely pray for her right now to begin to heal. Bless her heart...and yours' too. Watch her closely!

    Hugs to y'all!

  15. Oh no, poor little thing, you can just see it in her face. I love the photo of big sister protectively sitting with her.
    Will pray for speedy recovery.
    Love Jules

  16. Hope Josie begins to feel better soon for everyones sake. No fun being sick.
    Prayers and hugs from TX.


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