October 13, 2009

Many thanks & Updates on Josie...

Thank you for all the words of encouragement and support over Josie's pneumonia. I can already see a BIG improvement since we started breathing treatments, steroids, and antibiotics yesterday.

She's crabby today (which is much better than having her just laying around). She's tolerating her breathing treatments and yucky medicine with bribes. At this point, I don't care if candy canes become part of her dietary staple as long as she does her treatments.

While Josie was napping Saturday afternoon, Chris worked on the Halloween tree. This is always my favorite decoration. This year, my tree includes owls sporting my Halloween party hats. Be sure to click on the image to enlarge.

This tree is right outside of the girl's bedroom and when Josie woke up from her nap, she informed me that the tree "was soooo beautiful." I would have to agree.

Over the weekend, Chris also worked on the front porch decorations. Can you tell which part of the porch is my favorite (hint...the garland with black tulle).

We're just getting warmed up. Get ready for decorations overload!!


  1. There is something that looks like an orange and black owl head on that tree that I want to see closer.

    Your porch looks a lot like ours.

  2. Amazing difference in Josie's pictures today. Her eyes, while still tired looking, are so much brighter than the last posted pics. So happy she is feeling better!
    The porch decor is awesome! I want mine to look like yours :)

  3. Ah, one of the few times that crabby is good :)
    Your decorations are unbelievable--I'm such a slacker!

  4. Glad Josie is feeling better..
    LOVE the tree.. you guys are out of control.. I sooo wish I lived near..

  5. So glad she is feeling better. I love the Halloween tree!

  6. I'm so glad sweet Josie is feeling better!!!

  7. The house looks great....I can't wait to see it at the party.....glad Josie is feeling better....I have been praying for her. I know it is so hard whem they are sick....and a little scary too.....hang in there sweet girl....both of you! ;)

  8. Glad to hear things are going better for Josie. Sounds like she is on the road to recovery, bribery helps all parents.
    We are here in TX battling the flu, 2 out of 6 have had it so far.
    Keep taking your treatments Josie and enjoy the treats.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.