October 15, 2009

Hello from Halloween Headquarters!

Before I show off my latest Halloween creation, I have to say that Josie is doing really well. It was a scary respiratory week, but she's definitely feeling much better. She tires easily, but she's tolerating her nebulizer treatments more and more. I'm glad we have the weekend ahead of us so that she can squeak in some extra rest.

Now onto my latest Halloween creation...

Because one Halloween tree isn't enough in our house (and we're just a little crazy over the top with our 10 foot dead tree), I also have a simple idea for creating a miniature version.


Vase or urn
Sticks or tree branches
Spanish moss
Hot glue gun
Miniature skulls
Spider webbing
Black and white photos (optional)
Plastic spiders (optional)


1. Find a dead tree branch (or several sticks) and pick off the dead foliage.

2. Fill a vase or urn with styrofoam to anchor your branches.

3. To hide the styrofoam, I covered it with Spanish moss (found at any craft stores and some dollar stores). I used my hot glue gun to anchor the moss to the styrofoam.

4. I then hot glued a few plastic skulls into my moss. To give it further demision, I took newspaper, cut it into strips and curled the newspaper around the end of a pencil and tucked the curled newspaper strips into my moss.

5. I hung a couple of black/white antique photos (found a local antique store) onto my branches and stretched spider webbing (also found a my local Dollar store) across a few of the branches. You could use all kinds of things to decorate your tree (plastic spiders, dried flowers, miniature skeletons, bones,...etc).

6. To fill it out a bit further, I also tucked one my Bingo Halloween ornaments (which is also based on my latest give-away) into the center of the tree. If you look to the right of the tree, you'll see my miniature microscope and test tubes that I picked up the last time I was at the Allegan Antique Fair.

Happy Crafting & Happy Halloween!

Don't forget to leave a comment in Wednesday's post by 5:59pm Saturday October 17th to win your very own Kim K. Halloween creation.


  1. You are sooo talented..
    LOVE the photos..
    Have a great weekend..

  2. So do you ever run out of crazy craft ideas?
    Very nice tree!

  3. You are so creative!!! We might get pumpkins...thats the extent of our fall decor. I'm amazed at all that you're able to do. So cool!!!

    sorry I've been lame lately and not posted. we have had so much on us with just regular life...and now we are having to sell Mark's parents house and help them size down. they may even have to live with us. wow...we're a bit overwhelmed at that. If they do that...we would have to also sell our house. there are so many things going on around here...i just am not able to blog. I enjoy keeping up with you guys though!! Hopefully sometime I can get some updated pix!!

    Have a great weekend! I really miss you guys!!!
    Love ya,

  4. I'm so glad to hear that Josie is feeling better! My 9 year old came home from school with body aches and a fever today. Hoping it's not H1N1.

  5. Oh my word!!! Those pumpkins with the girls' names are amazing!!!! ; )

  6. Hey Kim!
    I found your blog through Shanna. I just love all of your ideas!!! I think you & I would get along GREAT.. I heart crafts very much too!!! ;)

    Anyway.. just wanted to say Hi and thanks for all of the GREAT ideas. Your one Crafty Lady!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.