October 17, 2009

It's official...we've gone batty!!

Drum roll please...tonight's winner of my last Halloween Kim K. give-away is STACY! Congratulations, Stacy!  I'll get your Halloween package out early Monday.

Until the night of the Halloween party, we think about decorating pretty much 24/7. It's an obsession.

Eat your heart out, Martha. This is a glass apothecary jar that I picked up at Marshall's for $10.  It's filled with orange Halloween lights, bones and skeletons from our local Dollar Store.

Our bone-filled vase is sitting next to Dracula who is perched above our television set in the family room. He's one of our oldest creatures. He's been with us fifteen years.

Many folks have asked where we store all our creatures. Most of them live above the garage in our attic. However, a few of our more special creatures take up residence year-round in the basement.

Remember that Wolfman mask and hands that Chris picked up the other night at Target? This is what it turned into.  His body is made out of wood, chicken wire, insulated duct tubing, old clothes and a Christmas tree stand.

We took the girls to our pumpkin dealer this morning.  Yes.  We call him our dealer because Chris buys 25+ pumpkins every year for his decorating madness.  I pulled out last year's picture as a comparison.  Just check out the changes from one year.  Where did my little girls go?

I hope you're having a lovely weekend. 

We're up to our eyeballs in decorating madness...moo ha ha ha...


  1. Hi Kim,
    I received my Halloween treasures yesterday. They make a lovey addition to my festive decor. I will snap some photos soon, so that you can see your handiwork on display. By the way, we have discovered that Tori loves "vampire fangs."

    Keep up all the spooky creations. . . I love Mr. Werewolf!
    Thanks once again,
    Cindy W.

    Love the new creations..
    Have a great weekend...

  3. What precious pics of your girls. They do look older this year. Sigh.... How does that happen so fast?!

    Your decorations are amazing.

  4. We have that very same vampire bat! Very cool!
    The wolf creation is crazy and scary. Great job Chris!
    I thought I was finished decorating... BUT, I really love the apothecary jar and I already have lights, spider web, skulls and hands from the dollar store. I just might head to Marshall's for the jar. hee, hee.
    I can't believe how much the girls have changed in only one year! Just think what next year's photo will look like. Eeeeekkk!

  5. That wolfman is creeeeepy. Yikes.
    The difference just one year makes, huh? Time goes by too quickly.
    Hope you have a great week!

  6. that is one scary bat. I don't think that I could have that hanging in my house:) can't wait to see your decoration. I absolutly love the jar with lights!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.