October 6, 2009

Hoot! Hoot! Halloween Give-Away #2

I heart crepe paper...

If there's a nationwide shortage of crepe paper, I'm the guilty party. It’s cheap. It’s available everywhere…including your local dollar store. You can cut it, wrap it, gather it, pleat it and glue it. Most of my favorite vintage Halloween decorations are made of crepe paper, and I’ve been obsessed with it lately. Here are just a few crafts I’ve constructed over the last few weeks using crepe paper.

A snazzy owl wreath

Pleated Candy Cups

In honor of my latest fixation, I’m giving away my owl wreath and candy cups. I'm even throwing in a few customized bags of Halloween candy (chocolate covered owl droppings, Vampire fangs and Frankenstein fruits) to put in your candy cups.

If you'd like a chance to win your very own Kim K. crepe paper creations, just leave me a comment by Saturday, October 10 at 5:59pm.

Good luck and Happy Halloween!


  1. You always make the cutest things..
    LOVE IT..
    I would love to be entered into the drawing..
    have a great week..

  2. Oh, where have I been?? I've missed so many wonderful posts!
    Cool stuff Kim!

  3. Oh Pick Me!!...lol Kim I so enjoy reading your blogs. The first thing I do when I come into work is to see what's new. I love to read about the new crafts and to see what your family has been up to. Thank you...

  4. Pick me E and J! Have a great Wednesday. . .We are counting down the days to our Fall Break!
    Cindy W.

  5. So like, when we are working with the crepe paper, it is important not to use it to wipe your nose. The colors run and stick with you for a while. Trust me.

  6. You are very creative dear one!

    Such a delight to find you today. Such an encouragement to read your posts and be splashed in God's goodness as we continue on the road to our first adoption.

    Splashing for His glory,
    Sarah Dawn

  7. Love your blog. . .and craft giveaways!

  8. Well, you know I would NEVER EVER pass up the chance to win something Halloween related, right? (Even if we are a little grinchy this year.)

  9. I loved to win Maddie something - she loves Halloween! I'm really going to try to come join the festivites and check out your house on the 30th - just depends on when the trick or treating is here and the weather before I make the drive there and back!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.