November 24, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We'll be spending the next few days across the state in the cardiology unit at the University of Michigan Hospital. The girls have all kinds of decorations/artwork to hang in Nana's room.

While we're are there, I'm also hoping we can visit the pediatric cardiology floor to show off just how well Josie is doing since her open-heart surgery. She's definitely not the same little girl.

And for those of you who have emailed me wondering when I'm going to post Christmas crafts, I'm planning on unveiling a couple of projects Friday November 27th (just in case anyone wants to work on a few craft projects over the long holiday weekend). In the spirit of thriftiness, I’ve found several Dollar Store items that I’m completely repurposing into festive Christmas decorations. Throughout the next few weeks, I'm hoping to mix kid-friendly crafts with a few more time-consuming crafts. I can't wait to show you some of the things the girls and I've been working on.

Wishing each of you the blessings of Thanksgiving for those gathered at your tables and at tables past. Josie wants to make sure that everybody enjoys some pumpkin pie too!!


  1. Safe travels! Hope Nana is doing better and that you get a chance to visit Josie's cardiac floor! They must love seeing the the results of all their hard work in the precious faces of their former patients!
    Happy Thanksgiving friend! WE do have SO MUCH to be thankful for!

  2. Have a safe trip. I know it is not the ideal place to spend the holiday but you will be together as a family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  3. I know that Nana will be so thrilled to see her girls and to have her room decorated with their art!This will lift her spirits for certain.
    Keep us posted on Nana!
    I can't wait to see the crafts on Friday!!!
    Happy Thanksgiving Kenward family!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving girly..

  5. Happy Thanksgiving Kim and family! I hope Nana is feeling better and I am so glad you will be together as family! I am sure the cardiac floor will be amazed at how well little Josie is doing!

  6. Still praying for Nana. You have a great thankful attitude Kim. I'm sorry you all can't be home, but yes, thankful with you that Nana is in great hands!

    My Dad asked me to let you know he is praying for Nana continually too.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving, Leslie


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.