November 23, 2009

A Special Letter from Emma to Josie

Emma was given a homework assignment to write a letter to someone special. She chose to write a letter to Josie.

Dear Josie,
Thank you very much for everything you do for me. Although you can't read yet, I still want to thank you for brightening my day and showing me how much you love and care about me.

I want you to know I secretly love it when you keep touching my stuff and trying to talk to me when I'm doing my homework and say crazy things. I always listen and make comments in my head of how much I love you. Everyday I wake up knowing that I'm the big sister, whether I like it or not. I always am so amazed that a little girl can pull through such a hard heart surgery or life as an orphan.

Thank you for being my baby sister. I love you.

Your big sister, Emma.


  1. Toooo SWEET...
    Love sibling love...
    Have a great week..

  2. Oh my goodness this is so sweet. I have tears in my eyes as I read this. You are raising two beautiful daughters!

  3. How sweet!
    And, I recongize that face painting style.....WDW!

  4. Wow, this is amazing - what an articulate, sweet letter. I love it!

  5. That is just tooooo Sweet. Wow, they have such a special bond. You and your husband have done a great job raising Emma and Josie seems like she is following in her foot steps. You have some very special girls.

  6. Emma,
    You are a wonderful big sister to Josie. She will treasure this precious letter one day. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving...
    Your friend from Tennessee,

  7. Awww, Emma, you're the greatest big sister ever!
    (hopefully, Brett feels the same way about Lili, but being a boy, he just can't express it as well) :)
    Happy Thanksgiving, Kenwards!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.