November 21, 2009

Nana Updates & Glitterfest!

Thank you for all the comments and personal emails regarding Chris's mom. Early Saturday evening, Nana was transferred from a hospital in Detroit to the University of Michigan cardiology unit. Keep the prayers coming. She's still very critical, but she's in good hands. Josie received amazing care for her heart while she was at UofM and we feel much better knowing that Nana is there.

The girls and I spent Saturday morning creating all kinds of things to dress up Nana's hospital room. Let's just say her art creations will be colorful and Josie had to sweep up all kinds of sequins and glitter once the glue dried.

While I'm showing off artwork, the girls helped me wrap gifts for my sister's upcoming birthday next weekend.

Josie still brings home all kinds of lovely finger paintings from daycare and this week's masterpiece colors reminded me of frosting on a chocolate cake.

Aunt Michelle, pretend to be surprised when you see your birthday packages next Saturday.

On a completely different subject, Emma is now sporting bangs.

She hasn't had bangs in nearly two years. Please don't remind me of how grown up she's looking. I'm still in denial that I'm 41...hee hee.


  1. That last pic of the girls is ADORABLE!

    I cannot get over how creative you are! What a great idea for Josie's paintings! Clever!

    Been thinking and praying for Nana. Glad you have her moved to place where you feel more comfortable! Keep us updated please.

  2. Glad to hear MIL has been moved to U of M cardiology unit. Praying here in TX, drs are able to help her.
    Love all the pics of the girls and crafts.

  3. Glad to hear that Chris' mom is at U of M. Emma's hair is just too cute!

    Did you get my email from Thursday about the CCGGGR Christmas party? If not, we can't go. Dad, the girls and I are flying out to LA on that day for a week of sunshine and reconnecting with former travel mates and my roommate from college. Sad to miss it, we were looking forward to it. Hope you have a great time!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Yes, Chris and I are so excited about the research done on Tori.
    We can hardly wait to get our package from XiXi.

    I am relieved for you that Nana has been taken to Josie's cardiology unit. When you have a loved one who is in need of medical assistance, you always want the best. (My mom and I have faced that with my grandmother and now my aunt.) Please let her know that she is being prayed for by many in Tennessee.

    Emma and Josie are beauties--I love the matching bangs!

    Many precious Thanksgiving moments to all of you,

  5. Continuing to pray for Chris' Mom. I am sure she will love the sparkly pictures the girls made for her. :)

    Love your blog header, by the way!

  6. You will continue to be in my prayers. I am sure that Nana's room looks great!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.