November 20, 2009

Needing Prayers and a Miracle

We didn't receive good news yesterday about Chris's Mom. We're hoping for a miracle and need all kinds of prayers. The left side of her heart is no longer functioning properly which explains the extreme fluid build-up. She's very critical. We're hoping she can be transferred from a hospital in Detroit to the University of Michigan Hospital. Josie had her open-heart surgery at UofM and we have the utmost respect and confidence in those doctors. Chris is heading back to Detroit today and I'll keep the girls home with me this weekend. I think Nana just might need some special get-well crafts/cards from the girls.

Please keep those prayers coming. We love you, Nana.


  1. Kim,
    I am so sorry to hear this news. I will continue to keep Chris's mom in my prayers and believe for a miracle!

  2. Oh Kim. I'm so sorry. Will be praying continually for Chris's Mom. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Oh Kim...I'm so sorry. I will be praying.

  4. Kim,
    We will be in prayer for Chris's mom. Sending many hugs your way,
    Cindy W.

  5. Praying here in TX for Chris's mom and family during this time.

  6. So sorry for the bad news.
    I'll keep Chris' mom and the rest of you in my prayers.
    Hopefully she'll be transferred and will get the BEST care possible.

  7. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers

  8. had to pop over and let you know I just sent up a prayer ... I am sure this is hard news ... please keep me posted ...

  9. Oh, Kim, I'm so sorry!! Those are such hard times! Many blessings to you and your mother-in-law
    Love, Barb

  10. Just checking to see if there were any updates. Praying still …

  11. Praying for you. I'm sure Nana would like those cards and crafts.

  12. Oh Kim, I am so sorry....I will lift your family up in my prayers....keep us posted!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.