December 15, 2009

Dear Santa...

We visited the Frederick Meijer Gardens to see Santa and their lovely Christmas trees/trains Tuesday night. Josie asked Santa for new underwear, a new t-shirt, and a rainbow shirt for Christmas.

Not exactly sure how she came up with those ideas...she cracks me up. I was just pleased that she wasn't afraid of Santa. Gotta love having a big sister around to make everything ok!!

My parents, my sister and nephews were also able to join us at the Gardens.

Can you believe Christmas is NEXT WEEK?? I’m not even close to being ready.

Anybody else feeling slightly panicked? Wasn't it just Halloween?


  1. Oh, I love it! Especially the rainbow shirt. Two years ago, the Tongginator asked Santa for - and I quote - shapes. Umm... okay?

  2. was it a long line? he is a good looking santa. some of them are a little on the "freaky" side
    love Emma's new bangs.
    Happy holidays!

  3. What?! Christmas is next week? Well, thanks a lot. I thought I had it all under control!!

    I love the Santa pictures, and Josie's wish list is too cute! I'm sure he can find (or make?) everything she wants :)

    Gotta get Christmas-ing......

  4. LOVE the photos..
    looks like the girls had tons of fun..
    THANK you sooo much for the amazing ornament...
    I sooo hope Isabella can hang it next year..

  5. Adorable Santa picture! Love Josie's list, what a sweet heart. Glad to hear Chris' job is secure. Hope his mom's rehab goes well.

  6. Just catching up on old post. Your family is in my good Karma thoughts, and glad to hear Chris is secure with work even if evolving.

  7. Hi Kim,
    Well, I guess Santa will need to leave some underwear for her! That is just too funny. My mom always gets my brothers underwear and socks to this day. When they were little, they always "fussed" when they received those necessities in their stockings. (Of course, I liked it!) She still does it to this day, just to keep the tradition going and to hear them "fuss." (Yep, even though we are 39, 33, and 32 we still get stockings!)

    I am glad Josie liked Santa this year, too. Tori wants to see Santa again, so we will head to the mall before Christmas.

    What a lovely family photo! Since Chris is taking the new position and working non-stop , we can't seem to be all together to take one! I am so looking forward to our break because Chris will be off with us, too.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm not ready either! :) Cracking up over Josie's requests to Santa. :)

  9. I LOVE your new blog template!! So cute! Do you do them yourself or do you copy and paste html from free sites? I never see any like yours around, but I like them being all whimsical and cutesy. ; )


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