December 16, 2009

Surgery...1 year ago

One year ago, we were preparing for Josie's hand surgery to remove her extra thumb. Many of you know that she was born with a heart condition, but she was also born with two thumbs on her right hand.

We scheduled this purposely over Christmas break so that we could help Josie adjust to being in a fingertip-to-shoulder cast.

Her surgery scar has really faded and without looking back at her hand pictures, I tend to forget that she even had a special extra thumb.

I'm so glad to have the majority of Josie's major medical issues behind us now.

When I think back to everything we went through our first year home with Josie , I'm surprised she's as well adjusted as she is.

We can't wait to see you open gifts with two hands this year!!


  1. It's easy to forget how much you've all been through in such a short amount of time. Josie is quite the trooper!
    It's amazing how much she's blossomed over the last year. So great to see!

  2. What a sweet post. It always does my heart good to remember.

  3. Wow I am amazed at how much she has changed! So glad this is behind you.

  4. She is soooo SWEET..
    Josie is amazing.. seems like she has done well.. probably cause she has an AMAZING family..
    Hugs.. have a great week..

  5. Awwww....she is so precious. How wonderful that she will get to open her gifts with two hands this year. :) Hugs!

  6. AMAZING!!! How sweet! So glad she's doing so well! Merry Christmas to y'all!!!!!!

  7. Sweet Josie has certainly had her share events over the past two years. She is such a joy and I am SO excited that this Christmas is going to be fun and surgery free!

  8. WOW! I can't believe that it was 1yr ago that she had the surgery. She is so cute in her Christmas dress.

  9. What a difference a year makes! Josie is such a beautiful little girl! What a blessed Christmas this will be to have the medical "stuff" behind you. It neaver ceases to amaze me with how resilient these kids are!

    I can't wait to see pictures of Josie opening her presents with both hands this Christmas!


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