March 30, 2010

Cute as a button!!

I have a good excuse for you to buy candy with my latest craft. And for those of you who are 40+something, it might just bring back some fond memories. Growing up, my grandmother used to give us button candies. We could always count some type of special candy to be in the corner cupboard of my Grandmother's kitchen.

(Grandma and me December 1968)

Let's face it...half the fun of eating this candy, is trying to peel the little candy buttons off the paper without eating any paper.

I recently came across these candies again when I was at World Market for $1.49 for 4 strips and snatched them up for Easter treats. I've also seen these candies at Michael's and in some Dollar Stores. I found this template for bunny peeps online and made several copies using blue paper. I then covered a paper gift bag with my paper cut-out bunny peeps.

I then cut off the existing handles of the paper gift bag and replaced them with a strip of the candy buttons on the inside of the paper bag.

I promised a less feminine version of an Easter basket. Now, isn't this fun? You could also use button candy to decorate birthday gift bags and as little handles on candy cups.

Happy soon-to-be Easter!

1 comment:

  1. Love the vintage photo of you and your grandma! Love the basket too!


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