March 31, 2010

Easter Finery...

I made the girls model their Easter dresses tonight so that I could get some photos developed to bring to Nana's hospital room on Friday. Too bad I didn't get them to pose together.

Spring is definitely in the air. I can't wait until things green up outside. Only one more day of work/school until spring break. Yippee!!


  1. Cute Easter clothes! I need to do the same thing to make sure the sweater, tights, etc. all work together!

    Hooray for spring break!

  2. The girls look FAB in their new Easter dresses!
    My goodness! I have missed so much on your blog this week. You've been busy.
    Big hugs to Nana.

  3. They both look beautiful! I'm sure Nana will love having those photos. Please tell her we are praying for her and I hope she is able to have a wonderful Easter with you all.

  4. The Girls look so cute, love the dresses! Hope you have a Wonderful Easter and a great spring break!

  5. The girls look adorable in their Easter best. Enjoy your break!


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