March 4, 2010

Did you know...

...that if you run out of storage space because of a home remodeling project, that you can turn your former Christmas tree/CNY tree into an Easter tree?

I wonder how many more holidays I can push keeping up our tree in our sunroom?

I seriously don't know where we are going to store everything that once was housed in my craft room (former storage room). Maybe Chris needs a shed? If you've been following my blog, I'm sure you aren't surprised that our furnace room/attic is filled to the rafters with Halloween decor.

Here are a few more Easter decorations, including a few craft ideas.

The Kookie Wabit (cookie jar) is one of my favorites. Although his ear has been repaired, I love his sweet face. The larger ceramic bunny was used in my Grandparent's clothing store in their window display.

For an easy table decoration, I hot glued the jellybeans to a Styrofoam cone and finished it off with a decorative ribbon on top. Aside from Easter, this would be a cute table centerpiece at a child's birthday party (it's strictly for decorative purposes only). I almost hate to admit this, but I made this Easter jellybean cone last year and put it away in storage. It's held up really well. No ants or anything...hee hee.

The flower egg is a styrofoam egg that has silk blossoms attached to it using lots of straight pins.

I want to give Martha Stewart credit for this idea, but I can't find any tutorial on her website for this particular craft. This might have been something she shared a few years ago in her magazine.

I've got all kinds of ideas swirling around in my head for Easter projects. I can't wait to spend some time in my craft room this weekend (in between cleaning up drywall dust and catching up on laundry).

Happy Crafting!! Happy soon-to-be weekend!!


  1. I am very envious of your window seat Emma. Wish I had one, I ALWAYS am in the process of reading and that would be perfect for me. I for sure want a pic of you in it first chance. LOVE YOU PRINCESS

    Aunt Shelly

  2. No way! I love, love, love your Easter tree. What a great idea!

    Hope you have a fun and relaxing weekend!

  3. Isn't Easter the best?! I love your tree and especially love your Kookie Wabit. How cute!!
    I am ready for an Easter craft when you are!!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Well, I always do the post first, then add pics later. Just a habit left over from youbelong days, I guess. I was tired from grading this afternoon during my planning, so I did the writing portion. I will add the pictures tonight when I am at home, so check back later.

    I love your Easter decor. My CNY went down last weekend and made me sad. That's why I started looking for St. Patrick's Day stuff. I found some neat craft ideas for the kids on to get us all in the mood to usher in Spring.

    I really want to make a topiary like yours this season but with some of the foil covered eggs. Tori and her cousins love, love chocolate, so I was going to do that for them this year. Yes, they will destroy it, but just like yours, they look so pretty and inviting!

    Emma will love her window seat. I have one in my dining room, and my kids love to read books from there. In fact, I have to update it to match the room now. So that is another weekend project ahead! Just way too much to do!!!

    Hope you have a great weekend, and I am glad you are just about done with all your construction.
    Much love,

  5. LOVE the tree, I am a little too attached to mine as well and would like to make it "multi seasonal"...

  6. Love the Easter tree. I think for summer you could do a fun beach theme tree! I am going to try to get Easter stuff out tomorrow if the weather cooperates.

  7. You are so incredibly crafty Kim. When do you find the time?

    I put all of my CNY things away on Wednesday. The house looks so empty without it.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.