March 24, 2010

I {heart} these itty bitty cookies...

As I was getting ready to put together this post, I noticed most of my recent recipes contain chocolate (see here or here or here). Get ready. Here's another!! Last Saturday, we went to World Market where I found these cookies.

Aside from the cute factor and the $1.99 price, they are really yummy.

I thought they might be fun to use for an Easter dessert. But after putting these together, I've decided that I will eat cupcakes and chocorooms anytime.

I covered cupcakes with green icing. I even used my icing tips so that it looked it bit more like grass. By the way, my mother informed me that JoAnn's has edible Easter grass. Josie then covered the icing generously with sprinkles and the final touch was our chocorooms.

Yum!!! And oooh so cute!!


  1. The cupcakes turned out so cute. I have never seen those cookies before and I am going to have to be on the lookout for edible Easter grass.

  2. Toooo CUTE..
    you come up with amazing ideas..
    Have a great evening..

  3. yummy....we just bought some edible grass at Target yesterday. :)

  4. How cute are those!!! Maybe i can convince Alex that mushrooms really aren't so bad... he thinks mushrooms taste like birdseed... then when asked what birdseed tastes like he replied, "mushrooms!" he's never eaten birdseed to my knowledge!!! Crazy kid!!! All because grandma doesn't like mushrooms and says so! Ugh!

    What cute cupcakes, too!! We need to make some soon around here!

  5. ohhhh the easter bunny will be looking for these ;)

  6. I LOOOOOVE World Market and wish we had one around here. Everytime we take a trip, I google them to see if we'll be near one.
    By the way, do you have Christmas Tree Shops in your area? You would love them....not about Christmas trees at all. I tell Jeff it's like my 'crack house' and I go every week.
    Love your cutie little cupcakes, too :)

  7. Yes, they look yummy and oh so cute!


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