March 26, 2010

Will they...or won't they???

Chris and I drove across the state and back home again to visit Chris's mom in ICU. Tomorrow, they hope to move her from ICU to the regular part of the hospital. Eventually, she'll go back to a rehabilitation center for intense physical and occupational therapy. Keep those prayers coming. She's been through so much with her congestive heart failure and this latest valve surgery. She doesn't resemble a 68 year old woman anymore. She's aged so much these last 6 months. We love you, Nana.

This evening the girls have decided to do a sleep over in Emma's new bedroom. This is a picture of them "actually" sleeping at 11pm. Emma's there, she just prefers to sleep under the covers.

Will they, or won't they make through the night in the same bed? I also promised Emma to finally do a tour of her new bedroom on the blog. Stay tuned and sweet dreams...


  1. Prayers continue for your mother in law. Such a cute pic of the girls sleeping together. Hope they make it til morning. :)

  2. So many needs.... I will be praying for your "Nana" - what a special lady!
    And YES, I want to see Emma's room, too!!!!!!
    Love, Barb

  3. Prayers are with you all..
    Love the picture of the two of them sleeping...
    Can't wait to see her room..

  4. Continued prayers for Nana. Such a sweet picture of the girls! Can't wait to see Emma's new room!


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