June 9, 2010

Feeling a little sentimental...

Tonight was my Emma’s award ceremony for 6th grade.

I watched from the audience with a huge lump in my throat and more than a few tears in my eyes. The realization that my daughter’s elementary childhood days are over, hit me like a ton of bricks. Next year, she’ll make new friends, meet new temptations, and learn to navigate the interesting world of junior high.

Goodbye elementary school.
You've been good.

And while I’m feeling misty-eyed, Josie’s 4th birthday is Thursday!

Tonight (after the award ceremony) we put together the rainbow cupcakes to bring to her preschool class. Watching her this evening, I realize just how much I’m going to miss her at age 3. But at the same time, I’m looking forward to the memories waiting for all of us during this next year.

Many hugs and kisses to our two sweet and spunky girls!!


  1. Emma we are so proud of you. Congradulation on your awards. Going to junior high is going to be lots of fun. We always knew you would do well as your such a good student. Please show us your awards when we come Sunday. Congradulation and love your Aunties.

  2. Oh man...now I am getting misty eyed! I know you are so proud of your sweet Emma! Sometimes I wonder what life will be like when I don't have a little one to hold and a chubby arm around my neck. wah....

  3. Congratulations Emma! It's just not fair that we can't keep them little! But, it sure is fun hanging out with them as young adults! Every season is wonderful! Embrace them!

  4. LOVE IT..
    The girls are soooo cute..
    You are an amazing Mom..
    Congrats to Emma..

  5. You should be proud~such sweet girls. Congrats to Emma and Happy Birthday to Josie! Another day of celebrating!

  6. Congrats Emma! Before you know it, you'll be done with high school....and college! (from one who has kids doing that right now!)

    Happy 4th birthday to Miss Josie today! (Amanda says Hi!)


  7. Good Job, Emma!
    Yes, I was way more sentimental at Nico's "graduation" from 6th grade than when the kids started Kindergarten.
    Only 6 more years of school. It's crazy!


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