June 8, 2010

Mini Cuteness!

Aren't these the cutest mini bowls?

Eight of them...all in various pastel colors.

I love them!

So summery and cool looking!

Where did I get them ... you ask?

Tuesday Morning!

I {heart} this store...especially their discounted prices.

Doesn't it look so cute all filled up with a special ice cream treat?

I wonder if vegetables would be more appealing if they were in these special bowls?

Happy Tuesday!

PS. Get ready for lots of family pictures over the next few days. Emma's 6th grade award night is Wednesday evening (bye bye elementary school) and Josie's 4th birthday is Thursday. Josie will be bringing rainbow cupcakes to her school/daycare for her birthday treat.

Yes. We like to party all week (or in our house for several weeks) when it comes to birthday celebrations. We had to test her cupcakes out...just to make sure. Her family rainbow party is on Sunday!

Party ON!


  1. Those cups are adorable! Just might have to stop at Tuesday Morning tomorrow morning on the way to Holland...Thanks for the tip!

  2. Adorable! And the ice cream looks wonderful too! Sooo cute!

  3. Cute cups.. and the cupcakes are darling.
    Sounds like a busy weekend..

  4. Those are cute cups! I love that store too!

    That is one rockin' rainbow cupcake!

  5. I just don't think veggies will work out too well in those adorable cups! However, that ice cream looked amazing...... I nearly licked the monitor. hahaha!

    And the cupcakes!!! Oh my stars!! SO cute! What will you think up next?!?

    I hope tonight is fun for Emma. Middle school is such a huge/fun step! She is really growing up fast!

  6. Cute! Can you go to Tuesday Morning on a Wednesday afternoon? :)
    Can't wait for all the celebration pictues.
    Have FUN!!!

  7. Those cups are so cute, though I'm not convinced that they would make veggies more appealing at my house! :) Visiting on a tip from Jodee Leader! Cool blog!


  8. Hi Kim,
    I knew you would take my idea of the Xtreme Airheads and turn it into something beautiful! Please check on my blog sometime Saturday/Sunday. I will be making teacup cupcakes for my Aunt's 92nd birthday.

    What a relief that school is almost over for your household. Tell Emma I said Congrats on moving up to Junior High/Middle School! I can't wait to see the Rainbow/Asian party in full decoration!


    P.S. I adore Tuesday Morning, too! And I found Tori's Kai Lan outfit at Wal-Mart.

  9. Oh, Nina just said "wait, Mama, I want to look at those. Wow, don't they look beautiful? I wish I could have one"
    Love, Barb


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