September 28, 2010

Ever put a rock up your nose?

Josie came home from preschool on Monday complaining that her nose hurt and that she had a rock in it. Well I be darned, after laying her flat on the kitchen island to inspect, there really was a rock stuck up in her left nostril and it wasn't budging!!

The good news. After I got her buckled into her carseat and checked into the (overly crowded germ-filled) Urgent Care Center, the rock fell out on its own while we were waiting to get called back to the attending physician.

Let's hope this is the last of the foreign objects to find their way into Josie's nasal cavity. The cell phone pictures just don't do it justice.

I love my very spirited four-year old!
And no we never got a straight
answer on why she did it.
Be sure to scroll down and check out
the tree house updates too.


  1. No flippin' way! What a hoot! To my surprise, my kids have never put anything up their nose before. However, Carson did have a tootsie roll come out after sneezing one time!

  2. LOL!!!! What a way to start my morning!! Well I can't say I ever stuck a rock up my nose, but I did accidently sniff up some rabbit food when I was little. I LOVED the smell of it and got a bit too close I guess! HA! Do I dare say..."Way to go Josie?" Glad it was an easy out for her and for you. ;)

  3. silly girl! so glad it came out on it's own!

  4. When I was teaching preschool we had rocks on our playground. Every day, twice a day, I would say - Now children, NO ROCKS in our noses and no rocks in ears. And yet, we still sent several kids to urgent care every year. It was irresistable or something. LOL

  5. Oh no -- poor girl! Maybe it smelled good and she was sniffing it and sniffed a little too hard! Glad it came out!


  6. Tooooo funny...
    I don't think my kids ever put anything up thier noses.. but have seen it happen a ton of times..
    Glad it was a simple process out of there..

  7. I seem to recall an odd shaped bead which found it's way up one of our son's nose. Never a dull moment! So glad it came out on it's own and she didn't need a doctor's help.
    Hug that little munchkin!

  8. kids have put weird things up their nose, too. ugh. My husband is good at getting them to blow the offending article out of their noses. Glad it came out and hope you don't pick up any nasty viruses from the doctor's office.

  9. Josie looks so proud of her rock! hahaha! Okay, I know it wasn't funny at the time, but those pictures did make my giggle. Glad everything came out alright.... I know, very "punny".

  10. Ah, yes... the irresistible pebble. This happened several times a year when I taught. I am so glad it came out on its own.


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