September 27, 2010

Tree house updates...

I went to the last Allegan Antique Market of the 2010 season yesterday with my mom and came home with a bunch of goodies. Stash pictures and more Halloween crafting/decorations coming soon. Pinky swear!! If you thought the Halloween tree was neat, just wait until you see my fireplace mantles.

Now, about that magnificent tree house....

With Chris back to work at his elementary schools and then being gone several nights chaperoning two different fifth grade camps, and throw in several days of really bad weather, the tree house construction has been delayed a bit. That being said, the flooring is all done!

The railings and a section of the spindles are the latest addition.

The spindles are going to take several days to install.
I definitely feel safer seeing them started.

He's even been working in the dark.

He's determined this magnificent tree house will be done
in time to decorate for Halloween.
I believe him.
Go Chris GO!!


  1. The Tongginator was looking over my shoulder, saw the pictures and exclaimed, "wow! it's like Jack and Annie's house!" (You know, from the Magic Tree House series.)

  2. LOVVE IT...
    It is going to be AMAZING.. can't wait to see it decorated..
    Love ya..

  3. What an amazing labor of love! Can't wait to see it all done.

  4. Mantles? Are you serious?! I don't even have one! I cannot wait to see them!

    The tree house is coming along great! Way to go, Chris!

  5. I don't think I should even show this to my kids!!! Incerdible!

  6. It is going to be amazing! So cool!



Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.