October 4, 2010

Frightfully easy no-sew project...

Before I share my no-sew project, I wanted to show off the Halloween decorations on my bedroom mantle. I had been hinting about them, but never got around to posting pics.

I'm serious when I say that every room in our house gets decorated for Halloween. We are THAT crazy about Halloween.

Now, onto the project...please ignore the fact that I need to pull out the iron to get rid of the wrinkles.

I have a window above my kitchen sink that regularly gets holiday makeovers with decorative cloth napkins. If I owned a sewing machine (or sewed for that matter) I’d stitch my two napkins together. Straight pins work just as well and Marshall’s and TJ Maxx regularly carry decorative cloth napkins at the holidays for less than $3.

Supplies: 2 Halloween cloth napkins, decorative trim, hot glue and straight pins.

Fold napkins over curtain rod, pin napkins together, hot glue decorative trim across the top (or bottom) and voila!
As promised, I was busy over the weekend. My craft room was a huge mess.

Later this week, I’m going to post my Halloween give-away. I’m going to fill a medium-sized box with all sorts of Halloween goodies, including several Kim K creations.

Be sure to check back.
I just love October and all things Halloween!!


  1. Adorable! Just amazing what you come up with~the artist in you just pops out!
    Your blog inspires me...
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Simply AMAZING..
    Love it..
    Have a great week.

  3. Such a cute idea for a window curtain! No need to sew when you can pin and glue! :)

  4. I love that you have a mantle in your bedroom! ; ) Way too cute!!

  5. Very cute. I just LOVE the no-sew idea since I never, EVER sew anything!
    Have a great October week!!

  6. Your enthusiasm is contagious... but not enough to make ME crafty. I enjoy your ideas and just reading your blog makes me more festive. Thanks. Sherry

  7. I love pretending I'm crafty by coming to your blog. Love it!

  8. That is so cool! Who would have thought of that? only you!! Wished so much that we lived close to each other. I would have so much fun playing in your craft room. You are my only crafty friend and you live so far away!! NOT FAIR!!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.