October 2, 2010

My...how they've grown...

We took the girls to our local pumpkin farmer for our annual pictures today.

Two years has gone by so fast.

We filled our car with loads of pumpkins, gourds and Indian corn.

Life is good.
Especially with Halloween tattoos.


  1. Love it..
    Go check out the fb photos of KyLee from homecoming tonight..
    Love you ..
    The girls are SOOOOO BEAUTIFUL..
    have a great Sunday.

  2. Cute pictures. I love visiting the pumpkin farm. We haven't been there yet this year, but I am sure a trip is in our future.

  3. Beautiful.....
    I am astonished at how much the girls have grown. Josie was such a BABY!! Emma is GORGEOUS in these photos!
    We were certainly missing you guys this weekend in Orlando. We MUST plan a trip for this time next year!!
    Big hugs~

  4. What a fun outing! I love the trunk picture! We are going to the pumpkin patch a week from tomorrow and I can't wait!

  5. What wonderful pics!

    I am just now getting all caught up with your Halloween fun and family activities.

    The last two weekends and week were a blur. I had another kidney stone that required surgery. But, I am back and almost ready to start posting again!

    We have some big news to share so check out our blog in the next few days.
    Much love,

  6. It is amazing at how more beautiful Emma gets on a daily basis. Every time I log on I read about her accomplishments with the theatre and school and taking care of Josie and the example she's setting and am taken aback at how grown up she is. I am so proud of you Emma. I hope Josie sees how lucky she is to have you as a Big Sister as I am sure she does when I see how she looks at you.... Luv you! <3 XO Miss You Honey
    Aunt Shelly

  7. love the pictures, Isn't it amazing fast 2 years go by. We go to the same place to buy pumpkins they have the cheapest & biggest pumpkins and everything else.
    I see that your Halloween decor is in the works....Happy Fall.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.