November 2, 2010


I always feel a little sad after Halloween ends and we turn the calendar to November. I feel like the crafts I do in preparation for our party, trump all other times of the year. I'm sure I'll find inspiration again, but I need to put on my thinking cap.

I was recently contacted by Michelle about being a guest blogger at her blog Dream Home DIY and I've decided to swap blogs for a day in the near future.

I originally started blogging as a way to document our adoption journey and to connect with other families who had completed special/medical needs adoptions. Now, two and half years later (and two major surgeries later for Josie…heart and hand) our daughter’s adoption is a big part of our family, but not the sole focus of my blog. My blog tends to focus on the other parts of my life that bring equal enjoyment…crafting, cooking, decorating (especially for birthday parties) and thrifting/antiquing. I promise I'm not going commercial. That's just not my style.

I feel better. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. Now, I'm off to pack up more Halloween crates.


  1. that is awesome! You should be able to share your wonderful craft ideas with more and more people! you have great ideas and are an inspiration! Hugs!

  2. Guest blogging is sooo much fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with for that post!

  3. Your daughters are just so cute! How exciting that you will be a guest blogger! BTW, I love your sweet little pilgrim candles! Are they vintage?

  4. I understand about what happens when the thrill of Halloween is over. The funk can last if you don't find a new focus. I went through all my pictures from last Christmas and I was a bit revived, even a bit excited.
    Whenever I shop and see an owl, I think of you! Enjoy your new blogging adventure!

  5. You put so much into you Halloween activities that I can understand how you might feel a little let down...but I am sure perparing for the other Holidays will cheer you up! I like your new header - very cute. (-:

  6. Wow! Have fun with that blog! I can't wait to see it!

    I am sure that you have the blues after all that preparation and hard work for your Halloween party.(Which was really awesome, by the way) But, just think of all the discount shopping and sales you have in front of you! I have been indulging. . .JJ a cape, gifts for teachers, a cute Halloween jacket for me, and a few witchy decorations! I hope to get to Pier 1 this evening, as they had some really cute decor!

    I was thinking, too, that maybe the Whaleys can plan to come to your 20th anniversary party! That would be so awesome!

    Have a great Wednesday,

  7. You are too funny! Okay, then I have a wonderful as I think your kiddos are, I follow your blog for all the other wonderful things too!! LOL! I feel better.
    Keep up the great posts. I can't wait to see what Thanksgiving and Christmas ideas you come up with!
    Big hugs!

  8. Well, that is just TOTALLY cool!!! You are so creative and hopefully being a guest blogger will get some people coming over to your blog to see all the cool stuff you do. :)))


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.