November 3, 2010

The tastiest french toast EVER!!!

Who says french toast is just a breakfast food?? With apples in abundance right now, I'm recycling a favorite recipe for apple stuffed french toast. I seriously wish my blog was scratch and's THAT good!!

4 large tart Apples, peeled, and sliced
1 tsp. Cinnamon
Sugar to taste
¾ cup Brown Sugar
3 tbsp. Maple Syrup
3 tbsp. Butter or Margarine
¾ cup Walnuts or Pecans, chopped (optional)
12 slices firm White Bread (use for french toast)
3 Eggs, beaten (use for french toast)
1¼ cups Skim Milk (use for french toast)
1 tsp. Vanilla (use for french toast)
* ¼ tsp. Nutmeg (use for french toast)

Place chopped apples in a medium-size skillet. Pour ½ cup water over apples. Simmer 4-5 minutes until apples are softened.

Drain apples in colander and transfer to a bowl and gently mix in cinnamon and a little sugar if apples are too tart. Set aside.

In the same skillet, combine brown sugar, maple syrup, and butter. Cook and stir over medium heat until sugar melts and mixture just begins to come to a slow boil. Pour into a 13x9-inch baking dish. Sprinkle with nuts (this optional, the girls don't like nuts).

In the traditional recipe, you are suppose to place 6 slices of bread on top of syrup and nuts. Divide apples among bread slices and top with remaining 6 slices. Whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla, and nutmeg. Pour over "apple sandwiches." Cover and refrigerate over night. In the morning, preheat oven to 325ยบ and bake uncovered for 40 minutes.

In my version, I just went ahead and made up traditional french toast (kept the french toast slices warm in the oven until I had enough for everyone) and then poured my baked apple mixture over one slice of french toast and sandwiched it with another piece of french toast and served with additional maple syrup. I honestly didn't have 40 minutes to bake it because we were on a schedule, but either way is yummy.

It's so filling and I don't even want to think about how many calories are in this recipe. Just know that your house will smell amazing for hours and hours. It's better than a candle.


  1. This really looks good I like the idea of adding the apples.(-:

  2. Oh, wow! This looks so yummy! I love French toast, and I just so happen to have all of the ingredients! I'm going to have to try it for sure! I also really love your adorable hobnail syrup pitcher! Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Yum!
    I visited the antique mall on 29th St. today for the first time. What a huge place!
    Thanks for your recipe!

  4. I wish you were my neighbor! That looks soooo good!

    Chef Daddy recently made french toast with cinnamon bread. It was to die for!

  5. Sounds amazing! Can't wait to try it!!! :o)

  6. Oh yum!!!! Hmmm....maybe we will have this for dinner one night this weekend :0)

  7. Oh my....OK I vote for the new blogger addition of scratch & sniff!! LOL! We LOVE french toast in this house too and that looks sooo yummmy! Might be a Thanksgiving breakfast comin' up. :)

    LOVE your new header too Kim...especially the pic of the girls! BEAUTIFUL!

  8. That looks downright sinful...and probably is! YUM!!

  9. We made this tonight and it was WONDERFUL!!!!! Thanks again ~ love new recipe ideas! :o)

  10. I tried it tonight and it was a major success! Nothing burned, no fire alarms! Thanks Kim!


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