March 24, 2011

Moon Watching...

Last Saturday did you catch the moon in all its glory?

My camera really couldn't do it justice.
WOW! What a gift from above.

Speaking of moons, these are two of our favorite bedtime books.

There's nothing better than a few good books, a soft pillow and a full moon.



  1. Oh the super moon! We were at a wedding outside the city and I couldn't believe its beauty. Thank you for your book recommendations. We have a couple of Kevin Henkes mouse books (one of the mice is named Lilly!), but we haven't read that one. I will add it to my library list!

  2. It reminded me of the moons in the Little Bear Stories. My kids were wondering if it was a harvest moon because it had an orange glow. I miss those stories. It was gorgeous and perfectly placed without the leaves on the trees we could see it in all its glory. Smiles...Renee

  3. Im so sad I missed it! I actually hadnte even heard about it until after the fact. Sad!

  4. Unfortunately, I missed it as I was in bed not feeling well. Your photo certainly shows an amazing sight!

  5. Since I have older kids and younger kids I am cherishing every moment of their "littleness" because it goes by so fast! We are now in the middle of reading all the Madeline books to my 5 year old. It seems like yesterday I was reading those to my 15 year old! Hold onto everyday!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.