March 23, 2011

Vintage Easter Collections...

Our spring weather didn't last very long, but I'm not giving up. Instead, I'm starting to unpack more of my Easter goodies and thought you might like a to see a few of my favorite collections.
The 1963 Jack and Jill magazine is filled with all kinds of cute Easter crafts. I promise to share ideas from this magazine on a future post.

The bunny cup and plate are my baby dishes.
Thanks for saving them, Mom!

The wooden eggs are each filled with a tiny baby Jesus.

The milk glass basket was my Grandmother's.

As you can tell from my blog banner, I love the flashcard and playing card rabbit graphic. I also tend to pick up old Easter baskets whenever I can. I have a long shelf which runs the width of my sunroom where I display my seasonal collections. I've also been picking up celluloid characters and floral picks when I can spot them from my favorite dealer for a decent price.

I also love anything with little yellow chicks.

Chris bought me this wooden bunny cart for my birthday last May.

I don't know many husbands who would venture into an antique store (without their wife). Thank you, honey!! The Peter Cottontail book is illustrated by Fern Bisel Peat, one of my absolute favorite children's illustrators. Anytime I can find her work for a decent price, I am a happy girl.

I've got more items to share later.
Yes. I love decorating for ALL holidays.
My name is Kim K. and I'm a holiday hoarder.
Me...Easter 1969

Happy Spring!
Happy Easter, friends!

Linking up with very merry vintage style
and Sue from It's a Very cherry World: REDNESDAY
and Vintage Thingie Thursday on Coloradolady


  1. Cute stuff. Our spring weather left to, it is supposed to be in the 20's tonight.

  2. Oh that Jack and Jill magazine looks so interesting and that wagon! Kim, I love all of these Easter goodies, and the "holiday hoarder" made me laugh.

    PS. I had the same bunnykins dinnerware as a child, but it didn't last. My girls have their own set. Timeless.pieces.

  3. P.S. our spring weather left too. Just woke up to snow on the ground.

  4. Miss Kim...not a Holiday Hoarder...Holiday Keeper. Love the cookie cutter. It adds the rough to all the frill. The celluloid stuff is going up in price I've noticed. I do love it though. Can you ever beat old holiday graphics for a true punch of vintage. Can't wait to see more. Sweet pic. Smiles...Renee

  5. Your Easter collection puts mine to shame! Love it! I am never able to find cute vintage Easter items but I am on the lookout after seeing your sweet collection!

  6. love all of your sweet vintage easter good. the bunnykin baby dishes are particularly sweet, especially as they were yours when you were a 'babykin'.


  7. Wow-you have some great vintage things. Easter is a hard collectible to find! thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday!

  8. Hi Kim! Thanks for stopping by my blog-- miss you so I took a peek and see you are just as creative as ever and your family is just as cute as ever. Take care and give those girls a hug for me.

  9. Hi Kim,

    Nice to meet you! I am visitng from Merry Vintage Style. Love your vintage Easter things! I had to do a double take on you sitting on the couch at Easter. I think I had the same couch, with my daughter sitting on it at Easter too! I was looking at pics of your "little China" doll. What a darling little girl! She is a very lucky little one, and so are you.


  10. You are a sweet blessing to me and I would LOVE to meet you sister. ; )

    Love the pic of YOU!!! sweet!

  11. Love the truck and bunny--so cute. Those red wheels are wonderful. What a great birthday gift.

  12. You have so many sweet Easter decorations! But it's really no surprise, because you DO have lots of cute holiday decor. Do you know that I've gone back a few times, just to look at your Halloween stuff? Oh, and you're not alone in the holiday hoarding department!
    Happy REDnesday,

  13. What a cute photo of you in your younger years! I love those glass baskets. I never thought to bring them out for Easter. Great idea.

  14. Other than the Tongginator's Easter basket, I have exactly ONE Easter decoration. And it's a really tacky plate. Which means I am seriously coveting some of your holiday goodness.

  15. That was great that our mother saved the little set for you. I wish I had done more f that growing up. Enjoyed my visit with you today.

  16. You have so many pretty things! I love the cookie cutter...and the photo of you when you were little! Very sweet! I posted some vintage bunnies that I found this weekend! I love fuzzy chicks, too! ♥

  17. What adorable vintage decor you have. I laughed when you said you were a holiday hoarder.

  18. Very sweet! I'm inspired...gotta go get my Easter stuff out tomorrow!

    HaPpY vInTaGe ThInGiE tHuRsDaY!

  19. Hi Kim, your Easter treasures are all wonderful. I would love a few of those jelly beans. My fave Easter candy.Smile I adore your first Easter photo. smile.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  20. What a sweet collection. Vintage Easter things are hard to find, at least at a reasonable price. But I guess that's true of all holiday collectbles. When I think of the papermache bunnies and chalk ware chicks I got as a young child.......if only I'd known to save them.

  21. I prefer the word 'collector' to 'hoarder'... If my children started calling me a hoarder I might feel bad. Collectors like you and I preserve treasures from the past - and we even share photos. I don't think hoarders would. ;)

  22. I too collect vintage Easter items...just love them...they help me remember my childhood and the happiness of life! Tiff


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.