January 20, 2009

Hand Splint, Head Gear & CNY

Here's a picture of Josie's splint. It was custom made for her hand yesterday at the surgeon's office.

She's not thrilled with wearing it (we had quite a bit of toe stomping this morning when she was getting ready for daycare) but I imagine it will become second nature in a few days. She only needs to wear it while she's at daycare for the next three weeks.

Funny thing about the bubble bath last night, she was terrified of getting her right arm and right hand wet. I'm not kidding. She's been so used to her kitchen sink baths and plastic bread bags around her cast, that she wasn't real comfortable with the regular bath tub (even though big sister tried to make her comfortable).

We also keep reminding her that she can use her right hand now. She's been hesitant to use her right hand for playing, eating or picking up objects. I can't wait to do some art therapy with her. Bring on the crayons and stickers!

Enjoy a few pictures of Emma and Josie's new winter head gear. Chris and I both thought that Emma's picture reminded us of Audrey Hepburn from the movie Charade in the opening scene at the ski lodge. Josie certainly makes a cute snow bunny.

In a few days, I'm going to post a gold fish craft project for CNY. I have a toddler version and a more elaborate version of this gold fish project. The Chinese believe that goldfish bring good luck, abundance and great fortune to their keepers. I think we all could use some luck and great fortune right now!!

Speaking of Chinese New Year, we're attending the Chinese New Year Gala Show at the Forest Hills Fine Arts Center on Saturday with two of my blogging friends (Kelly and Kimberely) and I can't wait. I'm guessing we'll have all kinds of photo opportunities at this event. Be prepared for lots of pictures!!


  1. Beautiful, beautiful, sweet girls!!
    I too think a little art therapy will work wonders at getting her to use her right hand once again. Give Josie and Emma a heap of shaving cream to play with. That will get Miss J working that finally free right hand!!

  2. How funny that Josie didn't want to use her hand. I guess the forced inactivity was successful. But you're right, stickers, crayons & other crafty things will help her overcome her reticence in using it.

    Looking forward to Saturday's festivities.

    I forgot to ask, do you work everyday? There is a Mommy & Me CNY event on Friday that we're going to do, and a week from Friday night (1/30) the CCGGGR group is having their CNY festivities at Ming Ten restaurant (near the Celebration Cinema at Knapp & the E. Belt) from 6-9. It'd be fun if your family could be there also!

  3. Awe...bless Josie's heart. She's gotten used to not using that hand and arm. (It only takes about 3 weeks to develop a habit!) She'll bounce back quickly!!!

    LOVE the pix of the girls and I can't wait to see your CNY pics. We also have a CNY celebration coming up soon. I look forward to it!!

    Hope you have a great week!! Thanks for the updates!!!
    Love ya,

  4. Our children's ability to adapt to changes is immense, but it doesn't mean they welcome the change. She has adapted to one hand, and she'll soon adapt back to having two, but not always willingly up front. These are the skills that amaze and frustrate us, but also the skills that helped them get through the orphanage life and to us. Really, I find it mind blowing how the adapt, how they fear the change, but then over come it. Inspiring.

  5. I have given you an award at my blog, so come on by.
    I am very excited for Chinese New Year, so is little Eli for sure.
    I hope Josie is feeling better every day and getting more comfortable.

  6. It will take a while for Josie to get comfortable with her hand. Just give her time. With Nina my concern was how she walked after her cast came off, and I ended up taking her to the chiropractor a few times. That did wonders. But with the hand it's different, but I'm convinced she'll bounce back soon! Is her hair a little bit curly? It looks like it in one of your pictures!
    Love, Barb


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