January 19, 2009

Introducing Josie's New Hand!

We spent nearly 2 hours at Josie's hand surgeon's office and we are happy to report that Josie is one brave little girl and that her right hand looks amazing.

The noise of the saw cutting away at her cast frightened her (she wasn't real fond of the scissors either), but overall she was amazing.

She barely cried through the pin removal and she was only slightly annoyed with getting a splint made for her hand. She'll wear her new splint while she's at daycare for the next three weeks.

Tonight we are looking forward to a bath in the big tub with lots of bubbles and toy boats. I think we'd give her the moon if we could. To further celebrate, we're eating Chinese take-out on our cast-away (fishing dinnerware). We couldn't be more proud of Josie. She's one tough little girl.


  1. Awesome news! I'm so glad to read that all went well, and you're all home celebrating with Chinese takeout on your cast away dinnerware! I just love that!

  2. Oh Kim.....your girl is healed...you have completed this part of your journey and I am so very, very happy for you!

  3. yeah Josie .. you may have to teach Maggie how to be big and brave at the hospital ...

    love ya !!!

  4. We are so excited! Her hand looks wonderful. I think she was more interested in exactly how they were doing the procedure---that Asian brain!
    Lovin' the dinnerware and Chinese take-out. Too bad she's not old enough to write a list of everything she wants...
    Love to you all!

    Oh, guess what?! We're getting 6 inches of snow---that's a lot for eastern NC! Yay! We're so excited!

  5. Woohoo, Josie!!!!! Enjoy your bath tonight...


  6. It looks AWESOME Kim! Modern science and medicine is amazing!!! Josie did so good and i hope you guys have so much fun celebrating tonight!!!
    Love ya,

  7. YIPPEE, and YAHOO!! The Cast is off!

    How wonderful for her, and for you (and for Emma's nose!). Have a wonderful, sudsy bath!

  8. Yahoo! I'm sure Josie's so glad to have that cast off. Happy bath tonight!

  9. Josie,
    Your one tough cookie i am so proud to have such of a trooper sister.

    I hope you feel good soon and that you will not be afraid to use your right hand again.

    Love you Ji Ji (Emma)

  10. Oh my, Eli saw this post and is very concerned about Josie's hook on her hand.
    Eli would like to know if she wants a girl transformer.

  11. Woo Hooo! What a great day and love the fish plates. Hand looks good. Happy bathing!!

  12. Yeah for Josie!
    And Mama, too...

  13. Yay Josie!! Look at those 5 fingers! Such a brave girl. (that saw would've scared me too!)

    And I LOVE the new bedroom. That apple green color is beautiful.
    Have a wonderful night!

  14. Yeah Josie!
    What a brave little girl!!
    Heck, even the pin made me queesy, and I was just looking at the picture!
    Give her a squeeze from me! One more milestone down!

  15. Oh, what a great milestone!! Wohooo! God job, everyone! Will she need some sort of physical therapy?
    And the room looks lovely!! What a calm, girly feel to it!
    Love, Barb

  16. Yea for Josie! I'm so glad that is over for her...almost. I'm sorry to hear she still has to wear a splint.

  17. WONDERFUL!!!! I hope the rest of Josie's day was completely perfect, from the Chinese take out and the long soak in the bath!
    Congrats to all of you!


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