March 15, 2009

Weekend fun continued...

We spent the majority of the day yesterday at the water park. The girls just can't get enough of the water.

The hotel also features a MagiQuest. Once you purchase a special wand, there are interactive objects hidden throughout the hotel. If you point your wand at the object, it comes to life. As you find new objects, you earn points which helps you solve a mystery. We've had to remind Josie not to hit herself in the head with her wand.

We ate dinner again at the hotel restaurant and Emma enjoyed a special drink which is a combination of raspberries and lemonade. It comes in a shaker that you get to keep. I'm picturing all kinds of adult drinks that can be shaken at home (hee hee).

Check out is at 11am. It's been a great weekend and a wonderful way to celebrate our Josie/Family Anniversary. We hope to make this an annual tradition. Cheers!!


  1. What a fun concept at that hotel!! Have a safe drive home, and I'm glad you guys had such a wonderful time!

  2. All that wonderful warmth and water and in Michigan? Looks like a really great place!
    Happy Anniversary (tomorrow)!!
    I'm glad you had such a nice getaway---Spring is almost here:)

  3. What a COOL PLACE!!! It just looks like you guys had an amazing time!! What a wonderful way to celebrate Josie's Gotcha Day and your family day!!! Thanks for sharing!!! Glad you had a great time!
    Love ya,

  4. Wow! what an awesome weekend you all have had. I am so jealous!!! That is such a cool place!!!
    So happy that everyone enjoyed themselves so much.
    Happy 1 year Family of Four!
    Hugs to you,


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