March 15, 2009

A year in the life of Daddy Kenward

Before Josie, nighttime was predictable. We never much considered the idea of camping on a bedroom floor with nary a pillow or blanket in sight; not daring to leave the bedroom in search of either for fear of waking sleeping tiger. Oh, the neck pain. Now the tiger sleeps a solid ten hours without waking (most nights).

Before Josie, dinner was predictable. We never much gave much consideration to our cupboards, ceiling, the cat, or the safety of those sitting next to her during our meals. We do NOW.

Before Josie, we considered Emma to have pretty normal energy for a child. We still think Emma IS normal, but Josie? Wow. We feel pretty strongly that she is unable to sit still for more than 3 seconds at a time. She hardly ever stops moving. It’s as if she takes one deep breathe in the morning and doesn’t slow done until she passes out at bedtime.

Before Josie, the cat was safe. Emma pretty much gave the cat her space and the two of them had a nice semi-close relationship. Josie makes it her mission to invade the cat’s personal space whenever possible and necessary. She touches the cat’s belly and gets bit. She touches the cats face and gets bit. She touches the air around the cat and gets bit. You get the idea. But she keeps going back. She’s gonna get that cat to love her or else!

Before Josie, we visited the family doctor for annual check-ups and the occasional flu. With Josie, due to our repeat visit status, we have been added to most of her Doctor’s Christmas card lists! But since this last year, even her visits will begin to look something like normal.

The most important change before Josie, was that there was no Josie, and that hurt. It hurt to watch Emma wait for her little sister. “Be patient” we would say to her, “she will be here soon enough.” “Be patient”, I would say to Kim, “We’re doing all we can”. “In God’s perfect time”, someone once said on our blog. I can’t say that resonated with me at the time, but once upon a Josie, it became clear. The timing was perfect.

Before Josie, lots of things were different, good, very good, but different. We were a lovely family of three. But with four, you can fill a table at a restaurant, not have to rent a kid when you win a sweepstakes for an all expenses paid trip to Disneyworld for a family of four, occupy all four facing seats on an Amtrak ride to Chicago so you don’t end up with that creepy guy who smells weird, sleeping next you, and finally, so two sisters can play hide and seek while their parents have an uninterrupted adult conversation! Yeah, four sounds just about right. March 16th will always be the day that our family was forever changed. We love you Josie.

PS. Josie is bringing special treats to pass out at daycare to celebrate her special day. Just look at that face.

Josie's Gotcha Day Video shot March 16, 2008:


  1. Awwwwww, what a sweet post!! I love it!
    Hugs, Jill

  2. OMW.....I am crying.....what a heart felt post.....LOVED IT! Happy Forever Family Day sweet friend! ;)

  3. Wonderfully put.
    I have to agree with every point. "Family of four" just seems to be a perfect fit, doesn't it?
    Enjoy your special day!

  4. Wonderful and sweet poem.
    I am amazed at how much Josie has grown!!! she was just a tiny baby in that hotel room in Nanchang. She is a remarkable girl.
    Hugs to your family!!

  5. Okay, thanks for the great cry in front of my first graders! Seriously, they're asking what's wrong with me!
    This is an absolutely beautiful post on a very, very special day for one amazing family! You're right, once upon a Josie, the timing was perfect. I couldn't imagine another little girl being a more perfect addition to the Kenward family! Congratulations, Kenwards! Love and hugs to you all!
    Robin Miller

  6. Happy Anniversary to a beautiful family! Love you all, Staci

  7. Love this post! How cool that Daddy weighed in with such wonderful words of love for his littlest daughter.

    Have a wonderful, special, Forever Family Day!!

  8. What a wonderful post!!! Happy Gotcha Day!!! I cannot believe it has been a WHOLE YEAR!!!! WOW!!! Life is definitely good!!! Love you guys!

  9. I just found your blog and it brought tears to my eyes. Happy Gotcha day! Monica, mom to Jasmine Mei Xiao Clarke, 19 months old.

  10. Knowing Josie, your story was that much more special to me. What a beautiful little girl and strong spirit in your family!

    Barb (Whistle Stop)

  11. Wow, Chris, you are such a talented writer!!!
    I love that "Daddy perspective" on your blog every so often!!
    What a ride this year must have been for all of you!
    Love, Barb

  12. Chris,
    It makes me happy my friend, to know that you and your Family of Four are happy.

    Here's to the next year and all the fun and frustration it will bring you. I know you'll enjoy the ride!
    Love, Sherry F.

  13. Hey...I'm back! ; ) I couldn't stay away!!! I have missed everyone's updates and pics too much!

    This was a fun and sweet post!

  14. cute photos. you must really have a golden heart to extend so much love..

  15. This was the sweetest post I have read anywhere in a long time! And I have read a lot of sweet posts! Thank you Daddy K for sharing!!! And could she be any cuter? Her smile … well I hope Daddy K is ready to shoo all the boys away in a few years! I am guessing he is carrying a big stick!!! Thanks K for all the encouragement. Things seem to be a wee bit better in the sleep dept. but she is still just "off" somehow.


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