September 16, 2009

Showing Off...

Emma's sixth grade school pictures came home yesterday. Isn't she lovely? She just keeps looking older and older...sigh.

(click on collage to enlarge)

In other milestones, Josie has learned how to play her first board game!!! We had saved Emma's clue game (which is a variation of a candy land but with clue cards) and as long as we kept reminding her to move forward instead of backwards, she kept pace. Even the cat joined in by sleeping in the game box top.

My two girls continually amaze me. Can you tell I'm a proud Momma?

Please continue to keep Mia in your thoughts and prayers. She's been through so much over the last week and is undergoing additional surgery for a pace maker and to correct her diaphragm that was injured during her previous heart surgery.


  1. Emma, you look so (OK, what do you say to a 6th grader.....cute, no. adorable, no. sweet, probably not.) Emma, you look amazing!! :) Wonderful picture.

    And tell Josie that she can come play board games with me any one here likes to play anything that's not plugged in to the TV!

  2. What a great photo of a beautiful girl!! :) And love Josie's panda jammies. :) Joining you in prayer for Mia. She is going through the same things that baby Mason went through when we were up at U of M. :(

  3. LOVE the photos...
    They sure do grow up way tooo fast...
    Have a great week..

  4. Emma's picture is beautiful! She is such a pretty girl... like her mommy.

    Josie is already playing board games? Amazing... Kai and Chloe like to steal the cards and game pieces from the box. heh.

  5. Emma - you look totally awesome!!! Josie - LOVE your pjs... Katelyn has the same ones (and so does Courtney)!

  6. Darling photo of your oldest!

    Today, quite out of the blue, Katie announced: "Ella, you can be Josie, I'll be Emma."

    Quickly thinking about the last time I mentioned your daughter's names out loud (can't remember the last time, truthfully!), I said, "who are you talking about?" and Katie patiently explained that "Josie is my friend and Emma is her big sister. She's a big girl."

    I hope your schedule calms down soon and we can find some time to get together and play.


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