September 13, 2009

A Witch and a Prayer

Over the weekend, Josie happily modeled her Halloween costume. Doesn't she make the cutest little witch!!

Big sister Emma has her costume, but a few of her special accessories haven't arrived yet from Costume Express and she's promised to let me do a photo shoot in the future when she's "ready".

You may have noticed that I added a link to Mia's blog at the top of my right column. This little sweetheart had her corrective surgery for Tetralogy of Fallot earlier last week and remains hospitalized.

When Josie had her heart surgery for the same condition, I treasured all well wishes and prayers that were left on our blog. Mia's Mommy (Melinda) would appreciate the same thing.

Have a wonderful week and hug your precious kiddos.


  1. Hi Kim,
    Josie is the cutiest witch by far! And Jonathan just got his costume this weekend from Costume Express (the Hulk). I can't wait to see Emma decked out in her costume!

    You are a wonder with all your festive Halloween decor. Anytime I see an owl, it reminds me of you! Hopefully, I will have time this weekend to get my Fall decorations out.

    I bought Tori's ladybug dress at Cracker Barrel on their clearance rack. Her ladybug flip-flops came from RackRoom shoes. Yep, we love ladybugs (and pandas), too. In fact, Gymboree has a line of panda-themed clothes coming out for Christmas. I can't wait!

    I hope that your week goes smoothly and stress-free. . .

  2. Josie looks adorable! I can't believe how big she is getting. I've definitely been away for too long! Missing you, too.

    Praying for Mia...


  3. Kim,
    She looks adorable her costume. Everytime I see Halloween stuff in a store I think of you and your love of Halloween! Have a great week. I am headed over to Mia's site to check it out, thanks for sharing!

  4. So cute! You amaze me with the Halloween festivities. We are lucky if we find time to carve the pumpkins. Keep the photos coming! C


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.