November 29, 2009


This picture sums up our lives over these last few days. Chris and I are both feeling extremely sentimental this weekend, so bare with me on this post.

We have so much to be grateful for, but it's been an emotional five days. Chris's mom continues to improve but her diagnosis is still unclear. Additional tests and procedures continue to be scheduled. She understands that she will be at the University of Michigan hospital for quite awhile. The girls were able to see her in the cardiology unit, as well as the rest of the grandchildren, but it wasn't exactly how we pictured Thanksgiving this year. We continue to thank GOD she's still with us.

On Saturday, we received a phone call that one of our dearest friends from graduate school, that his mother died unexpectedly. That phone call quickly put life into perspective again. You just can't ever take life for granted.

Later Saturday afternoon, Josie jumped off the stairs and head-butted my mouth (I was standing over her telling her to stop jumping off the stairs). When she jumped into my mouth with her head, I put my teeth deep inside my lower lip. I've always wanted fuller-lips, but this is ridiculous. I promise to spare you the pictures. Let's just say I'm not exactly looking forward to going to work tomorrow with my new look.

To end this post on a happier note, Chris went and bought a Christmas tree. Right now, only the garland and lights are on it, but it's perfect. It's exactly what we needed this weekend.

Hug your loved ones this week.


  1. So glad you were able to spend some time getting your tree up. Will continue to pray for Chris' mom.

  2. Continuing to pray... and I'm glad you decorated for Christmas this year. It will probably help (speaking from experience).

  3. Oh Kim! Bless your hearts....not the best making of a great holiday season is it? Glad to see you all are keeping your chins up and continue to have positive spirits!
    Hope your lip is feeling better!
    Hugs and prayers my friend!

  4. Yep, life goes by so quickly and changes so fast. You just need to count your blessings and trust in God.
    I'm glad that you were able to get the tree up, I'm sure the girls were excited.
    Continuing to pray for you and yours...

  5. Oh, no, Kim! I'm sorry about your injury, and your exhausting weekends. Praying for strength and healing. Hang in there!
    Love, Barb

  6. Happy to hear that Nana is improving. I know this was a difficult holiday and I am sorry. Know that many are lifting your family in prayer and thinking of you constantly.
    What a big, beautiful tree! I can't wait to see it all decorated!

  7. Hi Kim,
    I am still praying for an optimistic diagnosis for Chris's mom. It is difficult to watch those you love so much go through illnesses like these.

    Yep, I think that a busted lip happens to all moms at one point. (I earned mine with Jonathan when he was about two.)

    I know that your tree will have the special Kim K. (and Emma and Josie) touch. I look forward to seeing the results.

    Have a good week and know that you have many lifting prayers for your family,

  8. Been thinking of you ..
    Glad you got to put up the tree.. ours has been sitting here with just lights.. decorating tonight before Nick leaves in morning..
    Have a great week.
    sorry to hear about your lip..

  9. Kim, {{{{HUGS}}}}

    So glad to hear the grandchildren all got to spend some time with their grandma.

    I am so sorry about your lip, but I must say as I was reading I thought you were going to say Josie busted her head open or something.Sorry about your lip but thankful Josie is fine. :)

    Your tree will definitely brighten the mood. Nothing like a twinkling tree. And of course yours is bound to have some past craftiness on it!

  10. Oh dear... keep the faith... love and hugs to you!!!!

  11. Continued prayers for your family. Love the last decorating pictures. I'm sure your house looks incredible.

  12. Sorry to hear about Chris's mom our blessings and prayer for your family and hopefully she will be home soon.
    The holidays are such a busy time of the year, glad you got a chance to get a tree.
    Have a great holiday!
    hugs to everyone!


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