November 30, 2009

Counting our blessings, Christmas style...

These past few weeks, have forced Chris and I to sit down and count our blessings. I decided at work today that although I don't want to take away from the girls Christmas spirit, this year's countdown really needs to focus on how blessed we truly are.

This evening, using construction paper and some scrapbooking holiday paper, I made a paper chain with 25 links.

Each night, the girls can take turns removing a new link. Then, we'll alternate and record what we are thankful for on the removed link and put them in our blessings jar to read New Year's eve.

Merry Christmas and blessings to your own family!


  1. Great idea...LOVE IT..
    Have a great week..

  2. great idea! i absolutely love it! do u mind if i steal it? haha!

  3. What a beautiful and meaninful way to countdown. We did a chain while waiting to travel to meet Kai. We still have the links and love to read them.
    Be blessed~

  4. What a wonderful idea to remember our blessings!!

    Thank you for "feeling" with me about my post even though you don't really even know me. You bless my heart by your kind words and upbeat spirit that comes through your blog and your comments. Have a wonderfully blessed day, friend. ; )

  5. I think that is a wonderful idea Kim!

  6. Wonderful idea!!
    I may just have to steal it :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.