February 27, 2010

Love, love, love him!!!!

Last Thursday night, Chris was up until 2:30am painting Emma's room in the anticipation that our flooring guys were showing up Friday. That's 2:30am on a school night!!!

He came to bed exhausted and I promptly woke up back up again 4 hours later to get ready to go to his elementary school. Look how great Emma's room looks, despite the missing carpet.

He also helped cover my new stools for my craft room with some fabric that I picked up for a dollar from a local thrift store.

He's such a great hubby. This home renovation project is both driving us batty, but he's so good at keeping his cool despite the chaos.

Love ya, Chris!!

Don't forget to sign up for my 1st Easter craft give-away.
I'll be drawing a winner on 3/3 at 6pm EST.


  1. Awesome job Chris!! Everything looks fantastic!
    Can I enter the Easter Bunny House give-away pleeeeaaasse? Oh my word! that is the CUTEST thing EVER!! AND would look adorable in my new (shhhh!) house :)
    Love ya!

  2. Great job Chris..
    Love all the great new things..
    Have a great Sunday..

  3. OK, I just know Chris will be bored over his summer vacation, heck, probably even over spring break. So, to help break the boredom, let him know that he's MORE than welcome to come over here and tackle some of our projects. Especially since he has so much experience in the craft room department!! :)
    Everything looks great, guys. Emma's room is just fantastic--I bet she can't wait to get in there.
    Have a great, hopefully less snowy, week!

  4. What a great husband. He did a fantastic job. I bet he was wishing that morning that you had waited till summer break to tackle this project. Glad it is coming along!

  5. Hi Kim,
    I love Emma's bedroom color! I found some butterflies that would look great in her room from the Dollar Tree. They are about the same color and are of the same material as the trees at Christmas that you covered in glitter. Anyway, if you can't find them, let me know, and I will send you some. . .if you are interested.

    What would we do without our handy husbands! Chris really should win the Best Dad Ever Award, too!

    I finally posted pics to go along with our last entry, so you might want to check back.

    Well, I hope that we both get things done this week in our places of construction and chaos! Have a great week. . .
    Many hugs,
    P.S. Love the new give-away! I have some rabbits of my own that need a new home!

  6. Don't tell Chris I said so, but he's most certainly a great guy!! You are a creative duo, for sure...it makes me happy to know you all are so happy.


  7. Great man you have there!! ; )

    Darling lavender room!

    If you must get a glimpse at my Target boots then click on the last post for July 2009. I'm wearing them with shorts! LOL! ; )

  8. I always love coming here to your blog. We love your crafts and I am always inspired in some way when I visit here. I have started a new blog. COme visit me! By the way, LOVE the lavender color of the walls. SO pretty!

  9. Wow...Emma's room looks fabulous! What a great hubby!! :) Hope the renovations are done soon and you can get back to drywall dust-free living. :)


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.