March 1, 2010

Monday Musings...

We had 2 animals taking naps in the sunshine at our house last Saturday.

I hope your weekend was relaxing one. How many more days until the weekend?

PS. I'm trying to remain positive. I was hoping to come home from work this evening and see new carpeting installed in Emma's bedroom. Nope. It didn't happen AGAIN. The cement board is laid for our mudroom and half-bath/laundry and the entire house stinks of God knows what kind of glue, but there isn't carpeting in Emma's room...sigh. We're ALL ready to have one part of this construction project come to closure. Stay tuned...

PSS. Did I tell you that Emma has been teaching Josie addition? I'm not kidding. Josie can add objects together. She's 3 and she can do math! I swear Josie is trying to read too. Emma is such a natural born teacher. are one amazing BIG sister!!

Don't forget March 2nd is Dr. Seuss's birthday. How about celebrating Dr. Seuss's birthday by starting off the day with a book? I don't think I can get my family to eat green eggs and ham. Don't forget my dollhouse give-away. The drawing is 3/3 at 6pm EST.


  1. I am hoping that the next 10 days go by fast..
    I need a little RNR...
    have a great week

  2. You poor thing! That really stinks! Hang in there! It will all be worth it in the end!

  3. You may have to send Emma to my classroom. We started 2 digit subtraction today and it was rough. Have a good week!

  4. Go Emma!!! Hope that carpet gets laid tomorrow. ugh.

  5. Hoping that your construction zone will SOON be done - it all looks great! Emma will love her room, I'm sure!
    And little Josie, what a smart little cookie!!! You go girl! Good job, Emma, being a big sister!

  6. Aren't "sunshine nap" pictures the best? YAY SUNSHINE!!

    Ugh, you know I feel your pain over the construction delays. It'll be done soon and when it is, it'll all be worth it.

    Have a great week!

  7. Love your blog and your craft ideas. Your craft room is so pretty.


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.