October 17, 2010

Butternut Squash Bisque & New Additions to our Halloween Family

Our garden produced 7 butternut squash this year.

This is my mother's recipe for Butternut Squash Bisque. Enjoy!

1 medium butternut squash, cut in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds, bake until tender. My squash took 45 minutes to cook at 350 degrees.
Scoop out the pulp.
Puree pulp. I put the squash in my blender to puree the squash.

1 1/4 Cup chicken stock
1 1/4 Cup whipping cream (or 2% milk)
2 Cups squash pulp, pureed
Place the above ingredients in a sauce pan and bring to a simmer, stirring occasionally

1/2 Cup brown sugar (1/4 cup)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (I used much less)
1 pinch nutmeg
Salt and fresh cracked pepper to taste
Garnish with apple slices.

Note: If soup is too thick, adjust by adding equal amounts of cream and chicken stock.

Aside from cooking and catching up on laundry Saturday, Chris and I were busy getting more decorations out for our upcoming party.

These spiders were purchased after season last year at Target. I noticed they had them again this year in a variety of colors. Their legs are bendable and they are made of a velvet-like material.

Last year I picked up this Bethany Lowe Halloween decoration at TJ Maxx.

I added black-n-white pictures of my girls faces over the existing faces.

This was something I put together last year.

The fish bowl was picked up at my local thrift store.

It's filled with dried black beans, mini skeletons, pumpkins and a battery operated tea candle. Our yard is continuing to be transformed.

I was serious about electric bill. When you turn onto our street, there's no denying which house is our house...hee hee. Be sure to click HERE to visit my last Kim K. Halloween give-away post where you can leave a comment to be entered. Drawing takes place October 20th.


  1. Adding your girls pictures made that display so special~great idea! I need to find some old pictures of my boys...
    Everything looks great! How much is left to do? You guys have so much energy!Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Everything looks so beautiful. I am feeling motivated to decorate now that I saw your post!
    Butternut Squash Bisque looks and sounds amazing! I think I'm gonna make it tonight! Thanks for the great ideas!

  3. It's a good thing Chris isn't afraid of heights...yikes!!! The skeletons in the fish bowl are super cute.

  4. love your butternut squash recipe, will have to try it out.
    love all the decorations at the house!


Thank you for following our adventures. I always enjoy reading your comments. Happy crafting! Happy thrifting! PS. Ignore that "robot" verification. You can ignore/skip that step since I can't seem to remove it from blogger.